Volcanic Lightening
While making this posting we were taken by surprise of a spectacular lightening show. The volcano, Mt. Redoubt, erupted once again tonight after 11:00 pm. As I was working, my wife happened to wake up and noticed flashing out of our window at 1:00 a.m. My writing was interrupted as we sat in the dark and witnessed a spectacular displays of lightening coming from the area of Mt. Redoubt. Speculation on my part, I am assuming it was due to the cold air masses butting against the warmer air coming from the volcano. Regardless, it was was a spectacular show and missed by most. This fact reinforces my belief, that if you take time to sleep, you miss so much. Flash: Just checked the AVO site, there was an eruption at 0120 this morning which blew ash to 50,000 feet which reinforces my concept that the lightening we witnessed was created by the hot air and cold air mixing.

The Rotarians Have Went Nuts

Dale Hausner was arrested in Phoenix, Arizona as the Serial Shooter that plagued the Phoenix area from 2005 and 2006 prior to his arrest. On Friday, he was sentenced after being found guilty by a jury of his peers earlier this month. He was convicted of killing six people, which he proudly demonstrates to the court. He was also convicted of another 19 random shootings.
The court system did their job, they sentenced him to death, six times. Just to make sure, the court system will sentence him on Monday for an additional 74 other convictions.
He preyed on pedestrians, bicyclists, dogs, and horses during his 14 month spree. His brother and his former roommate also participated in the shooting spree occasionally. They called their shooting game, "RV'ing", Random Recreational Violence. I only wish the State of Arizona still utilized a firing squad for capital punishment crimes. Six shooters, six bullets, one shot at a time.

Ideal Aquarium Fish
With this fish, you can go on vacation for months without worrying about who is going to feed the fish. This is a robotic fish in the London Aquarium. It was developed by British scientists. It is their intention to release these fish into the sea north of Spain to detect pollution. The carp shaped robots costing, $29,000 apiece mimic the movement of real fish. They are equipped with chemical senors to sniff out pollutants. The actual robotic fish are larger than those on display in the aquarium. Their actual size measures nearly five feet long roughly the size of a mature seal. My only question, don't sharks and killer whales feed on seals? I surely hope that they also installed some type of sensor to tell the robot when they are sniffing the gastric fumes of a shark or other larger predator. Do fish fluff underwater?

It is my understanding that under one of the several stimuli programs that has been adopted, you can be the proud driver of this car. Under the stimuli plan, the government may assist you in the purchase of this vehicle. You do have to agree to dismantle any other vehicles that you currently own. The concept has merit, with the amount of money that is being "loaned" to the auto makers, President Obama thought it would save money if he just bought each of us a new car. It will greatly enhance the recession in India and solve the problem for the American automotive manufacturers. At the same time it will fit well into his environmental plans. Surely a 2 cylinder engine puts out a smaller carbon foot print than our big, awkward eight cylinder engines in our "Made In America" gas guzzlers. It is reported that Al Gore provided the technical assistance to the President regarding this plan. Before I get one, I want to insure that they put a couple of doors on the passenger side.