I now know how Elmer Fudd felt in all those years that he waged war on that Pesky Rabbit! Butch and Sundance are definitely living up to the legend of their namesakes. One week ago, they had no concept of what a peanut was. This week they have developed an appetite for these morsels that have kept me on my toes as to where to store them so they will not rob the bank.
My last concept was the stainless steel, roll top barbecue! After checking it out carefully, there was not way to get inside the barbecue unless you rolled up the lid. No way could two squirrels manage to accomplish that task so the roll top grill become the Fort Knox for peanuts.
This evening, arriving at the camp to work, my first stop was to make a pot of coffee and put some peanuts in their designated feeder. Opening up the grill, much to my surprise,the grill is covered with peanut shells and the bag is almost empty! They got me this time, but they will have to work to get them again, they are now safe and secure (?) in a chest cooler, I believe it belongs to the Wolf Clan, even if they chew a hole in the side, it will be easier to drain water off the beer. My next project will be to build them a little house to live in!
Have a guest in camp tonight, Papa Bear is out to see if he can find an early Silver Salmon come daylight. Of course, he knew who had a bunch a fresh cured salmon eggs! Had a good visit and we both came to agreement that we will need to keep the Bull Buffalo from laying in the wood to build one of his famous fires.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago