
Arctic Polar Pig  

Posted by Stan Harrington

On September 6th, I revealed a research project on this blog site that I have been working on for several months. The reality of the Arctic Polar Pig, a carefully guarded secret specie, it's existence and habitat has been protected since their discovery several decades ago.

Since the original posting, additional information has been made available. Several attempts have been made to capture these pigs in order to gain additional biological data on this rare specie. However, the one successful attempt where several specimens of this specie was captured, they managed to break through their holding pen and escape.

Unknown, to the biologists, the Arctic Polar Pig has become very adapt in surviving in the arctic and have learned to adapt to their environment of the Arctic Sea. With only limited research data available, researches have assumed that this particular specie of pigs have taken on characteristics of the Polar Bear in both coloration and ability to swim. However,it is not known whether they have taken on the personality of stalking and killing their prey, including humans. It must be assumed that these pigs could be dangerous to your health and property.

This entry was posted on October 1, 2006 at Sunday, October 01, 2006 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


father if I see a polor pig...should I run? Play dead? or maybe heat up the frying pan?

10/2/06, 7:42 AM

I do not know anything about this particular specie of pig, the polor pig. My specialty is the Polar Pig. Have a bveautiful day or rain, look - no WV

10/2/06, 9:03 AM

Well what if i see a Polar Pig?

10/2/06, 9:26 PM

Normally, they willnot come this far south, unless we have a severe winter. If you do see one, run! Laying down, curling up anfd playing dead will not work - they are smarter than the average bear!

10/2/06, 10:59 PM

I have traps set in the "end of the road" trail system. We'll eat BBQ Polar Pork this weekend!

10/3/06, 6:06 AM

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