
Great Alaska Earthquake  

Posted by Stan Harrington

 At 5:36 p.m. AKST, Good Friday, March 27, 1964 the second largest earthquake to ever recorded would strike the Alaska coastline. The major earthquake would last a duration of four minutes, reaching a magnitude of 9.2 on the Richter Scale.  A vast area, predominantly coastline communities suffered the greatest loss of life and property.  A total of thirteen individuals would loose their lives related to the actual earthquake.  However, the worse was yet to occur.  The Tsunami Wave came ashore following the earthquake, although the Tsunami varied in height from 27 feet to 8 feet.  The loss of life and destruction of property was far greater than that created by the earthquake with a total of 113 lives being lost due to the Tsunami Wave.
Additional lives would be lost in Canada and as far south as Cresent City, California where twelve souls would loose their lives due to the massive wave.

The largest earthquake ever recorded occurred at Valdivia, Chile on May 22, 1966 measuring 9.5 Magnitude.
Second Largest:  March 27, 1964, Good Friday Earthquake in Alaska  measuring 9.2 Magnitude
Third Largest:  December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean, Sumatra, Indonesia measuring 9.1-9.3
Fourth Largest:  November 4, 1952, Kamchatka, U.S.S.R. measuring 9.0
Fourth Largest:  March 11, 2011 Pacific Ocean, Tohoku, Japan  measuring 9.0

The following photographs were taken by my father,Vern Harrington on the Homer Spit, Homer Alaska.
(Front) Land's End Resort ~ Homer Spit ~ Homer, Alaska

 Buildings ~ Homer Spit ~  Homer Alaska

(Rear) Land's End Resort ~ Homer Spit ~ Homer, Alaska

Fuel Farm ~ Homer Spit, ~ Homer Alaska

Fuel Storage Area and Buildings ~ Homer Spit ~ Homer, Alaska

This entry was posted on March 25, 2011 at Friday, March 25, 2011 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Quite a step into history with those photos.

3/25/11, 3:30 PM

This reminds of what Ive been told, the relationship of Alaskans to the Salvation Army. When the federal government was figuring out what to do, the Salvation Army showed up in Homer with a blank checkbook and asked how they could help, they began writing checks to get fishing fleet back to work.

3/26/11, 6:31 AM

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