Who Is The Smartest  

Posted by Stan Harrington

This dumb animal decided to settle down in a pile of his / her favorite food to have a little snack. Bananas also make a very soft cushion for taking naps after your tummy is full of this delicious fruit. To assist it's immune system, a few choice, plump, ripe oranges are also available for his daily allowance of Vitamin "C", but what does he know, he is just a monkey.

Your second choice is Presidential candidate John Edwards (D) who enjoys having his hair trimmed and styled at a Hollywood Barber Shop. His haircut cost is only $400.00 each for the two haircuts that he has enjoyed. However, the tab for the haircuts were paid for by his Campaign Committee. Isn't he the guy that "feels the pain of the working class" as he is one of us. But, what does he know, he is considered to be far more advanced than a monkey.

Your third choice is New Jersey Governor Jon S. Corzine who was injured in a car accident last week on his way to meet with Imus and the Girls Basketball Team from New Jersey. His SUV was being driven by a New Jersey highway patrolman. The good Governor was sitting in the front seat of the vehicle, he was not wearing a seat belt (New Jersey has a mandatory seat belt law) and the vehicle was traveling at 91 mph in a 65 mph zone on the Turnpike. Unfortunately, the Governor is still in critical condition, however, one has to wonder who is picking up the cost of the medical bills? But, what does he care, he was elected, laws do not apply to him, and the tax payers will handle the medical bills, after all he is the smartest of all because he has already got himself elected.

This entry was posted on April 17, 2007 at Tuesday, April 17, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


..i choooooossse....Corzine. No! Edward...NO! THE MONKEY! Oh, hell! I might have to write in Alfred E. Newman - AGAIN!

4/17/07, 10:08 PM

two americas-the one that pays and
the one that spends. His haircut was cheaper that Bill Clintons
when you factor in his keeping air force one on hold and closing down an airport while he got his locks trimmed.

4/18/07, 8:41 AM

I always said monkeys were smarter than politicians...as for 400 dollar hair cuts...seems a bit extreme since the military has "set a standard in price" on a hair cut in Tacoma Washington...Hair dressers can only charge 7.00 a haircut...the local shop owners tried to up their rates to 7.50 a hair cut and due to all the clientel coming off the military base...where they may recieve a hair cut at 2.50...they fought the cost increase in Tacoma courts and won!!! A Hair dresser in Tacoma Washington may charge no more than 7 dollars a hair cut.

4/20/07, 7:08 AM

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