The U.S. Air force has been providing "Top Cover" over Alaska for several years utilizing the F-16. Recently, more sorties have been flown due to the encroachment of Russian aircraft (Russian Bear) into the air space over Alaska. Unfortunately, due to their age and the stress that has been placed on them, the F-16 Fleet has been grounded leaving the Alaska airspace unguarded. However, today it was announced that our neighbors to the south have come to our aide and will provide "Air Cover" over Alaska until we can resume our normal operational control. The Canadian Royal Air Force has dispatched their first air wing to Alaska to provide this air cover. They have dispatched three of their best intercept fighters that they have and the remaining three aircraft left in their air force fleet will remain on the ground to provide back up in the event they are required to be launched. We do appreciate their assistance in this critical time. The first photograph of the Royal Canadian Air Force intercepting a Russian Bear over Alaska was released today.
Today, it was also announced that the U.S. Navy has grounded all of the P-3's used in surveillance and submarine tracking. It is reported that the Mexican government, although they do not have any aircraft in their military, they will dispatch their Navy to assist in tracking non-friendly submarines in the Pacific. It is expected that their entire fleet of four harbor tugs will get underway on Tuesday and put to sea. Rest assured fellow Alaskans, we are being protected.