With less than three weeks prior to Christmas, I am making my list and checking it twice. I need not have a column for those that were naughty or nice, I already have identified those. For instance, how did that stuffed toy moose get up onto my roof and impel himself on my satellite receiver which disrupted our reception for two days, prior to having to call the repair service to discover the problem at a slight cost of $150.00.
Although, I got the blame, who was it that filled the water tank of my daughters travel trailer with Cherry Kool Aid mix, giving her fifty gallons of cherry water running from her faucet. I have kept quiet since Memorial Day, but this close to Christmas I have to come clean to protect myself. Way to go Moose!
I also know who installed a speaker inside the sheet rock of the Wolf Den, unfortunately now that it has been taped and mud applied, it is to late to extract even if a person knew where it was at. Plugged into a tape recorder, should be some strange sounds coming from the wall. Again, as good as it is, I would like to take credit but the Beaver had the idea and equipment.
Who was it that spread whip cream all over the windshield of my truck early one morning, oh, yea, I remember and they are also on my naughty list. Who would ever suspect my innocent looking granddaughters?
Who was it that gave me a portable generator for my birthday, which was later retrieved from me by the rightful owner, oh, yea now I remember, let me check him off my list, again. Come to think of it, I will go a head and take the rightful owner off my Christmas list as he did not give me anything for my birthday.
I will keep working on my list, surely by Christmas I will have everyone eliminated for being bad and will only have one name remaining, myself!
However, I have been shopping around and found some great gift ideas you may want to check out, I am sure you can find someone on your list that would like one of these for Christmas. Click on the link and it will take you to the site.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago