How I Read The News  

Posted by Stan Harrington

"War Is Declared"
The President no sooner announces the cancellation of the "Missile Defense Shield" in eastern Europe and "war is declared". Today, when the President announced his plan to scrap the program without consultation with Czech Republic and Poland, both members of NATO, he was not expecting the possibility of the declaration of war.

A few days ago, President Obama announced his decision to levy tariffs on Chinese tires. Today,the Chinese government is threatening a "trade war" and stop imports of American auto parts and chicken. However, many of those in the know consider this "sabre rattling" on the part of the Chinese. One such person in the know stated, "many Chinese consumers would miss the scrumptious chicken feet they get from this country". "We have these jumbo, juicy paws the Chinese really love," said Paul W. Aho, a poultry economist and consultant. It would only be my guess, but I would suspect that Mr. Aho will become the "Chicken Czar" in the current administration.

"Egore Is Likely Wrong, Again"
Inventor of the Internet and proclaimed authority on "Global Warming" may need to retract his statements. However, this should not be difficult as he has had to retract most of his statements that he has made in his life. That pesky little agency called NASA may have shot into space a satellite that will upset his theory of Global Warming. I would predict that Egore will likely retaliate by trying to cut their funding for collection of scientific data in outer space.
Last summer, a shot was made to the once again explore the moon. As we read, the satellite is navigating in orbit around the moon sending back some great pictures and scientific data in preparation for another moon landing by our astronauts. The latest data returned from the satellite is that they have found the coldest spot in our solar system, on our moon which is very near us in relationship to other heavenly bodies. It has always been thought that Pluto would be the coldest, however this is not the case. NASA's new Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is making the first complete temperature map of the moon. They found temperatures on the moon's south pole reading a minus 397 degrees. According to Egore, that is the wind chill factor and not a true temperature. Oops, their is no wind on the moon.

"The Most Feared Man"
According to the media strategist Mark McKinnon, there are two people in the world who fear "Glenn Beck" even if "neither will admit it". The first is President Barrack Obama and the second is Rush Limbaugh.
If you do not know who Glenn Beck is, he has hosted a "talk radio" program for sometime and recently he opened his broadcast on Fox News. According to the Weekly Standard's Michael Goldfarb, "Everybody in town is watching him waiting to see what he will do next, who he will take down next".
If you do not get Fox News, I would at least recommend that you bring his site up on the Internet and watch some of his news videos or read some of his articles. At times, he will act a little radical and even become emotional enough to bring tears to his eyes, but unlike a lot of news media types, he has his facts laid out and clearly defined. He was one of the main instigators in the earlier "tea parties" and most recently the 9-12 march in Washington D.C. which brought out a minimum of 60,000 in protest to higher taxes, health care plan,, and assorted other complaints against the government. He was the first to lay out the framework and investigate the organizational chart of ACORN. Finally,the leadership in Washington is voting to cut funding and investigate the organization. ACORN was scheduled to get 5.8 billion dollars in stimulus funding, until Glenn Beck brought them into the spot light. He has also shed light on the number of Czar's that serve in the President's administration. Recently, the self proclaimed communist, Van Jones, the Green Jobs Czar was forced to resign from the administration because of Beck's investigating reporting. You do not have to agree with him, but he is unique, funny, and speaks from the heart.
If you are not a fan of Fox News, perhaps you should tune in on occasion. Due to the health plan debate, town hall meetings during the Congressional recess, ACORN, Czars, tea parties, and 9-12 March it is now the highest viewed news programs on television. The viewer audience of Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Greta Susteren, and Glenn Beck on Fox News exceeds the entire audience viewers of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC combined.

This entry was posted on September 17, 2009 at Thursday, September 17, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I tried to link it, but failed. Recommend that you go to the Glenn Beck link on the posting. When you get to click on featured videos, on the right. Click on view all, 9 total. Select the video titled "Enjoy the media Ignoring ACORN". It is 3.45 minutes and well worth the watch.

9/18/09, 2:25 AM

I have really enjoyed watching him. It started back by force as CNN was the only channel that VZW would show in their break rooms. Going to get coffee I would loose track of time listening to him talk. He has a passion I think we are lacking in our public figures and like you said he is laid out well even off his show.

9/19/09, 8:12 AM

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