Today, marks the 3rd Anniversary since my children talked me into becoming a Blogger. Three years ago today, I made my first posting. The site today, is the same theme that my daughter designed for me three years ago. I never was one that would discard something that was usable. The site has been just that. I have had a great time and do appreciate all of you for stopping by to read my verbose prattles.
In the three years that I have had the site, this is my 538th posting which averages out to a new posting every two days. In return, the little counter indicates 25,679 hits to the site or an average of of 23.45 hits per day. Again, I thank you for stopping by to visit.
Perhaps, this is the shortest posting that I have ever made, I am not known for my brevity, but just wanted you to know I have appreciated your support. Thanks.