I must admit that when our Legislative and Executive Branches of the Federal Government pushed through a $787,000,000,000 deficit bill in a matter of 48 hours, I was very concerned.
I must also admit, that when our elected delegations in the House of Representatives and Senate adopted the $787,000,000,000 Stimulus Bill after having five hours to read an appropriation bill that contained over 1,000 pages, prior to voting on passage, I was very, very, concerned.
I also admit, that I was very, very concerned when Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV) were the primary authors of this bill.
I was also very, very, concerned if not just a touched bit of upset that upon adoption of this bill, these same elected legislators spread to the far corners of the earth on "official visits" within a few hours following the passage of the bill.
I was also very, very, concerned, when this Appropriation Bill was past because it was a "Crisis" and then sat on the desk of the President from Friday through Monday.
I was also very concerned and really upset (better word for it but not quite appropriate to use) when I discovered that this 1,000 page appropriation bill that allocates $787,000,000,000 was being taken to Denver, Colorado for the President to sign into law. It really upset me when I considered the cost of launching Air Force One to fly to Denver for a signature and photo opportunity. Not only did this cost upset me, but the cost to the City of Denver and the State of Colorado also upset me. I figure that the President's trip to Denver to sign this bill cost the tax payers roughly $3.5 million dollars. What was wrong with a nice little setting in the Rose Garden or perhaps even the Oval office? The only justification that I can see in using Air Force One, a Boeing 747, to fly this bill to Colorado for signature is that it was the only aircraft that had the capabilities of hauling the sheer weight of the 1,000 page bill.
As you can see, I spent the better part of my last week, very concerned.
But on this beautiful, clear but cold Sunday morning I feel much better about the entire Stimulus Package, I now feel stimulated. In front of me, I have a copy of some of this Stimulus Money that will possibly affect the local communities of Alaska. As indicated, a total of 2,799 jobs are going to be created in our local communities from funds provided by the Stimulus Package. Presently, a total of $415,682,000 is allocated to community stimuli in Alaska. Using my little pocket calculator, I figure that is only a cost of $148,563.97 for each job created. That is a stimulating figure.
I am even feeling overly stimulated when I discovered the disbursement of these funds and the list of projects that are being requested. From the allocation of $415,682,000 dollars the City of Anchorage is going to receive only $415,682,000 dollars as part of their stimulating projects. Again, using my little pocket calculator, I compute that to mean that ~ oh no, there is zero balance for the remaining 731 communities in Alaska! Who is that new Democrat Senator that was elected last November to represent the State of Alaska? I am not sure, but I think he was the Mayor of Anchorage at sometime in his political career. What a coincidence!
Looking at just a few new jobs being created in Anchorage, there is an allocation of $318,000 for the Anchorage Domestic Violence Prevention Project which will create three (3) jobs. The Greenbelt Trail Resurfacing and Bridge Repair project that is allocated $3,000,000 but it is going to create 20 jobs. How about a new Bus Warm Storage for Expanded Fleet, that is only going to cost $20,000,000 and create 40 jobs. However, it will not be going to waste because $7,700,000 is going to be spent for bus replacement with zero jobs created. The list continues but just those examples are enough to stimulate me.
In my hometown of Anchor Point, we are going to also stimulate our economy, on Tuesday I understand we are going to have a cookie sale in order to raise enough money to buy a new flag for our school. Nothing more stimulating than a fresh baked chocolate cookie.
Now that is funny!!!! Your comment not the post!!
Your post scares me, I have been avoiding the topic. Personally I think they are going to whatever they want. They proved that with the first bailout!
For the first time ever, as a married couple, we owe taxes. I am scared! I was reading that April 1st we will all (well those that work) will be getting less taxes taken out of their paychecks. Guess what folks that means you are paying in less! Is there going to be cuts to the amounts we owe at the end of the year? The article never mentioned what that will do to us next tax season!
Don't feel bad sis, for the first time in my entire life, your mother and I are going to have to write a substantial check to the IRS this year. I don't mind except, our income is retirement pay from which we pay taxes each month, even Social Security, but we still have to come up with more. I don't fully understand it! But like you say, coming April 1st we get a tax cut, for a married couple filing jointly, it averages out to be less than $8.00 per week! I guess she and I can go to McDonald's once a week, as long as she eats very little or we share a Mac. I do not see a thing in this stimulus package that is going to help the average working couple or single person that is presently working. It is a huge social program and a "pork" program for projects that the current party has been wanting to enact for the past 16 years. President Clinton could not pass them because they had a Republican controlled Congress. They could not pass them the last eight years because Republican controlled Congress the first four years of President Bush administration. The last four years, of the same administration they could not pass them because they could not garnish 60 votes in the Senate and they knew President Bush would use the veto. They finally control Congress and the White House, so all those old programs like the high speed train from Disney Land to Las Vegas can now be funded ($80,000,000)under the emergency, crisis Stimulus Plan. Just that one project was added to the package by Harry Reid (D-Nevada). I do not know the solution but for the first time, I am worried where our country is going.
Heidi's right - funny! (the post, too. must have been built up since October, '08).
and, will the truck fetch?
It sounds like you might need a new pressure relief valve after those comments following a stimulating post.
Funny comment Stan and well written post. I hate to admit that its the only article I found interesting enough to read about the Stimulous Package. Thankyou for enlightening me.
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- Stan Harrington
- Stan grew up fishing the rivers and marine waters of Cook Inlet since the 1950's. Retired from the U.S. Navy in 1983. Stan and his family owned and operated Anchor Angler Tackle Shop on Anchor River for twenty-two years. He was the host of the popular daily radio program, "Kenai Peninsula Sport Fishing Report" on radio stations KGTL, KPEN, and K-Wave for fifteen years. Stan retired from business in 2007 and continues to live in Anchor Point, Alaska.
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