Regardless of the sporting event, I personally feel that the contestants be as equal as possible in order to provide fair competition. Any time one team or competitor makes an attempt to unbalance the equality it undermines the game as a sport. Unfortunately, this is not a cardinal rule followed by all teams or competitors, the predominant focus is on winning regardless on unfair competition. Unfortunately, we see this situation arise in a lot of our sports that are designated for our young people to enjoy. If you have ever participated in Little League Baseball, you know what I mean. At times, the coaches and even parents can distract from the game in their quest for winning.
Currently, the Little League World Series is being played in Pennsylvania, the Anchorage team of Diamond missed playing in this world series by one point. But, how fair is the competition in this Little League World Series. You can base your opinion from the picture that follows:
The following is the news article that accompanied the photo; Associated Press, Tuesday, August 22: "Saudi Arabia first baseman 6 feet 8 inch Aaron Durley, left watches a pitch as Venezuela's 4 feet 8 inch base runner Ermision Arellano gets ready to take a lead during the fourth inning in their game of the Little League World Series. Durley is the tallest player to ever play at the Little League World Series"
Now, to me the name "Durley" is not the typical name that you will find in the region of Saudi Arabia. Perhaps a little recruiting is going on and the Saudi's scouts got Basketball and Baseball confused. I would also like to know who is checking Birth Certificates, there is age limit restriction in these games and it appears to me that this guy could use a good shave. I am sure he is a very good ball player, but let's move him up a couple of Leagues like to the Major Leagues, I am sure the Chicago Cubs could use a good first baseman.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago