Shelby, Montana  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Back in the good old U.S. of A. after crossing the border this afternoon. No more metric system for awhile. The picture to the left is at the famous Sign Post Forest at Watson Lake, so many more signs posted there now than what there was back in the 1950's when I first visited.

No problem crossing back, although all vehicles are photograph from all angles. Border Guard was not a pleasant representative of the United States - big pistol on hip and suffering from"small man syndrome". How many in your car? As I handed him two passports. Buy anything in Canada? No, just a lot of gas! How long you been in Canada? Four days! Have any part of any dead animals that you got in Canada? Huh? I kept quiet about the dead coyote and three dead moose and answered in the negative, sure glad I did not pick them up and bring them with me. Picture on the left is a few of the Caribou that we saw between Whitehorse and Fort Nelson.

Called it an early day today after driving 408 miles (2,613.7 Total Trip) so we could do some laundry and wash the truck. Starting out clean tomorrow, headed southeast towards the Little Big Horn. Speaking of Bighorn, this is one of the Stone Rams that we saw on the same stretch of highway going into Fort Nelson.

Shelby has not changed a lot since I was a kid, still just a small community surrounded by wheat fields and oil wells. On the outskirts of town, on the old highway I did find the old grain elevator where we camped for several days in an adjoining field. I do not know why we stayed so long, but Larry, Don and myself played in the field. There was all kinds of old lumber and metal to play with. After we had been there a couple of days, the guy from the elevator came over and warned dad the field that we had been playing in was infested with rattlesnakes.

This is part of the Buffalo Herd that surrounded us, it was almost like a stampede but not quite since they were just browsing along. Interesting creatures.

Below, is the "Big Beaver ", wouldn't that look good at the entrance to the HITW? Perhaps, after his return from Iraq, Brother Bill can pickup a tractor with a flatbed trailer, figure out someway to load it and head for the Alaska border before anyone notices that their Beaver has disappeared.

So far so good, have had Internet each night we have been on the road and each motel has accepted "Dutch" as their guest, for a slight gratuity! See you all down the road!

This entry was posted on October 11, 2007 at Thursday, October 11, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Oh I am so envious...Sounds like a wonderful trip. But...What did you do with my mom???? Is she running behind the truck??? There is no way my mother has sat still for 2,613.7 miles. Unless she has been detailing the inside of the truck. Did she bring the windex??

10/11/07, 9:59 PM

Man, that was a quick trip through Canada. Slow down, stop to smell the roses, no hurry, are supposed to be retired!

I have a favor to ask, since you are only staying in Hotels, will you collect all the samples you can find? the shampoo's, soap, lotion... whatever... my scouts will package them and donate them somewhere.

thanks for the photo's, keep posting, and remember SLOW DOWN and have fun!

10/12/07, 8:57 AM

I think Heidi and Shana have both made good points! Terry what have you found to occupy your time while the Pooh Pa is driving? May i suggest Sudoku? It is very addictive once you get started.
Stan SLOW DOWN! You now have a laptop use your weird ability to find unusual information about the road you are driving. You have vacation hungry people and grandchildren who have never made the trip up here! Enjoy the trip for all of us and educate the rest!
Terry I am glad your camera is working so well, but the kids would love more pictures and some of you!

10/12/07, 12:50 PM

80?!! Is that all the ford can muster up without feeling like the world is coming apart? I can't believe you've been in Canada for 4 DAYS! I suggest you pick up the pace if you want to get anywhere. Oh, yeah - you had better, also, have good brakes at those speeds to stop...and smell the flowers. You didn't dip in the hot springs, did you? (It doesn't smell like flowers)

10/12/07, 3:27 PM

Where ever you are tonight you must have found friends. It is after 7 here so after 10 or 11 where ever your at....hope your day was well and looking forward to tomorrows blog.

10/12/07, 7:15 PM

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