In just the few short weeks that I was absent from the community, everything went to hell. Upon my return, I discovered that the Texas Hold'em Tournament was on the verge of going broke. Although, I did get to play and win the first round of the tournament prior to my departure, upon my return I discovered that I was still leading. A strong indicator that either not a lot of action was taking place, poor record keeping, failure to post results, or someone was assuming my identity. I am back into the position of tournament organizer. Kicked off the 1st Round of the Snow Rondi Tournament last night. The Championship Round will be played during the Snow Rondi weekend. When I made an inquiry to the local Chamber of Commerce to determine when the Snow Rondi would be held so I could make up a schedule, the response was it would be the last week of February, perhaps in March but no later than April!
"Cease and Desist" Needing a snail mail stamp, I stopped by the local Post Office, stamps are now forty one (.41) cents each now a days! Just the few short years ago that I was a kid they were only seven cents and those letters went by "Airmail". I am surely glad that I only have to buy one or two stamps a year! However, upon entering the Post Office, I could not help but notice a very large legal form posted on the front door. I had never seen a "Cease and Desist" order before, issued by the State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game pertaining to the camping area at Whiskey gulch. Do not know the story behind it, but all structures both permanent and temporary must be removed within 30 days of the dated posting. Guess I had best wander down and take a look to see what is going on.
"Political Correctness" has reared it's ugly head in Anchor Point. I understand that the annual "Halloween Carnival" could not be held this year at the school. The carnival has been a community activity since my little brother went to school (he is pushing 60) in Anchor Point! The project is supported by local businesses and private individuals with no funding coming from the school district, except the use of the gym. Whatever happened to the concept that the school was the center of the community, used for public meetings, social gatherings as well as education. If the kids cannot have a Halloween Carnival, then I guess we had better forget the concept of having anything that resembles Thanksgiving, (I bet they serve taco's for lunch on the last day of school before Thanksgiving) and forget anything that even suggests CHRISTmas, that was abolished several years ago. I refuse to sit on the hard bleaches to hear "Snow Flakes Drifting Down", "Bring In The Winter Clowns" and "Fun In the Snow". Now I will endure the pain of splinters in my butt to hear, "Silent Night", "Little Drummer Boy" or any one of the other thousands of Christmas Classics but don't try to appease me with a program called "Winter Concert". I want to see a little fat man, dressed as Santa passing out candy, a little toothless boy singing "All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" and everyone wishing one another a hardy "Merry Christmas".
In my absence, we have obtained a medical clinic, dentist office, an approval for a Golf Club House which is suppose to serve meals and libations in time. Several separations, a divorce or two and a bunch of DWI's or DUI's.
Have to cut it short, I need to do a little research on "Winter Vacation" plans - I ain't sticking around here!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago