My second sighting was the following spring, while preparing my box garden for planting, I went to retrieve some items from our storage building which sits on an open meadow with scattered small spruce trees. It was at this time that I caught a glance of a brown figure, standing erect on two feet running through the trees. Although, on both occasions, the object was standing erect on two feet, about six feet tall and covered with hair. Because of the terrain, I was not able to discover any footprints. I am not sure what I did see; it could have possibly been my one of my neighbors.
In the United States, the first sighting of “Sasquatch” occurred in 1840 by early explorers to the northwest. When they discussed it with the resident Indians in the area, they were familiar with the specie. They referred to it by a different name, which translated to “salmon stealer”. Grover Krantz, a well-known cryptozoologist is convinced the figure is a Gigantopithecus blacki. His counterpart, Geoffrey Bourne also agrees to this since most fossils relating to the specie have been found in China. The Siberian forests are very similar to those we see in the Pacific Northwest. He also contends that many well-known animals migrated across the Bering Strait “so perhaps” Gigantopithecus blacki is the “Bigfoot” of the American continent and perhaps is the “Yeti” of the Himalayas.
Years of research has gone into the study of this creature with very few details that prove positive. Pictures have been taken; however, the majority of them are of poor quality and not definitive. However, thanks to my truck-driving brother, I have discovered where they actually live and it is easy enough to find. I am surprised that not one has checked out the area since it appears they are leaving clues for us to find them. I would like to disclose the exact location, but I want to get the first pictures, but I will give you a clue. Good Luck.