Sitting around the homestead, I got bored and looking for something to do; I decided to go on a treasure hunt! It is an easy game to play and it is surprising the number of “great discoveries that you can make. It is always fun to go through “old” photo albums and cardboard boxes covered with the dust of time. However, I found an area that holds the oldest of treasures, a place that each one of us see several times a day and never pay that much attention to the “valuables” that lurk inside. That place is the medicine cabinet in your bathroom! I found it to be so entertaining, that from now on whenever I visit someone’s home, I am gong treasure hunting.
Not wanting to spoil any future exploratory games within my personal home, I contained my search to just one location of this particular trip. The second bathroom is reserved for the next windy, rainy day. Purposely, I also passed on researching the cabinet under the sink; I know that there are going to be a bunch of artifacts lurking down there.
One of my great discoveries in the “guest” bathroom was a tube of “A+D Original Ointment Skin Protectant”. Where it came from and why, I have no concept but it is for “diaper rash” and it has been some years since we had that problem in our household. However, the collector value in this, which I just discovered, is that despite the label on the tube, there is no such word as “protectant”. According to my spell check, the closest match is “protestant”. Not placing my full faith in spell check, I pulled out that old fashion book called a dictionary. Daniel Webster supports the conclusion of spell check.
I then discovered the box! You never know what may lurk inside a “little tin box”. Opening it slowly in anticipation of what I would discover in my little tin of Maximum Strength Sucrets, I found one sore throat lozenge still wrapped in the original tin foil. What a great find! Now, I know this is valuable and possibly the oldest one in existence since the Expiration Date on the backside of the tin is September 1988, it was even made in the USA.
However, the last discovery was the best. I have an “original” tube of “Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing for normal, dry hair”. What a find, considering that about 50% of the greasy substance remains in the tube and it is still pliable, ready for use. I can provide a Certificate of Authenticity” concerning this valuable artifact. I personally purchased this product some time in 1982 – 1983, prior to my retirement from the U.S. Navy in 1983. Having to wear a hat as part of my uniform anytime that I was outside, I found that just a little dab of this would hold your hair in place when you removed your cover. At a minimum, this “treasure” is twenty-five years old!
After this little treasure hunting expedition, I wait in anticipation for the next rainy day. I still have more cabinets to explore; I can then turn my attention to the crawl space. Now, that is going to be at least a “three week hunting trip”, in those old cardboard boxes there is going to be an abundance of artifacts and valuable treasures.
Now, the three items that I have posted will be going on E-Bay in the near future, but since all of you are my friends, I want to give you the first opportunity to bid on them. In the comment section, please leave the name of the product that you want and your bid price. All reasonable offers will be considered.