Targets Beware  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Currently, if you are hiding behind a sand dune twenty four miles from a U.S. Naval vessel you are relatively safe in your hideout. The Navy's current MK45 five-inch gun has a range of less than twenty three miles. It goes without saying that their missiles have a much further range. If you so choose to make an attempt to intercept a Naval vessel making passage through the Straits of Hermoz, you may also want to reconsider your options.

On Junuary 31, 2007, the U.S. Navy test fired an incredibly powerful new gun that is designed to replace conventional weaponry aboard U.S. Navy ships. "The big gun uses electromagnetic energy instead of explosive chemical propellants to fire a projectile farther and faster. The railgun, as it is called, will ultimatley fire a projectile more than 230 miles with a muzzle velocity seven times the speed of sound (Mach 7) and a velocity of Mach 5 at impact. "

The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughhead is a man after my own heart when he was quoted as saying when asked about the need for a weapon of this type. "I never want to see a Sailor or Marine in a fair fight. I always want them to have the advantage"

This entry was posted on February 3, 2008 at Sunday, February 03, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


G'mornin', Prattler.
Seems like good technology put to use. Anti-gravity transport will use the same base of energy - electro-magnetic. It has been experimented by Tesla (Hitler, also).
Just now facing the public as reality.

2/4/08, 5:56 AM

Got that fair fight line. We don't need fair fights-we need to overwhelm them with raw superiority. As Patton would have said-"lets let them damn bastards die for their country"

2/4/08, 6:18 AM

Heidi and Shane kept me from my chores...send mom to clean my house please!!! Tell her I love her and all that stuff....okay fine then would you tell Heidi to go home or do my darn dishes!! Lol

2/4/08, 12:08 PM

and Milton Bradly has made Battle Ship and Risk electronic too...guess they got to keep up in the toy much power in the wrong hands is scary also.

2/4/08, 11:55 PM

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