Experience is one of our best teachers. In my personal opinion, there are two types of experience. The first being that in which you gain from education and the second that in which you learn by association. In less than a month, we will once again go to our favorite polling place to select an individual that will serve as our next President of the United States. Perhaps, the person that yields the most power in the world. Voting is very similar to interviewing a perspective employee for your business. You want to take a look at their resume in regards to education but to be effective but you must also seriously consider their experience in preparation for the job description in which they are applying.
In my lifetime, I have lived under the leadership of nine Presidents. In their role as Commander in Chief, I have served on active duty with the U.S. Navy under the Command of six of these Presidents. Because of social and economic concerns, we often over looked the term of Commander in Chief. The most important role of the President is that of Commander In Chief. The military services of our country is the first line of defense that protects our security and way of life. Most citizens of the United States view the military as a combative role and do not realize their mission statements. For instance, the primary role of the U.S. Navy is to insure that the sea lanes of the world remain open to permit free trade. The strength of our military services is also utilized by our Department of State in their diplomacy strategy. The collapse of the U.S.S.R. was a direct result of the strength of these services.
Does experience matter? I will allow you to be the judge of that based on a brief review of each of the President's that have governed during my lifetime.
Harry S. Truman ~ Democrat ~ President 1945 - 1953
Acting Vice President and assumed office of President upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Captain in the U.S. Army during World War I. Served as a U.S. Senator until assuming the office of Vice President. Completed his term as Commander in Chief in World War II and ended this war by ordering the use of atomic weapons. Korean conflict commenced between South and North Korea.
Dwight D. Eisenhower ~ Republican ~ President 1953 - 1961
Graduated from West Point Military Academy. Attained rank of five star General and assumed command as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II. After being elected to the Presidency signed the cease fire agreement between South Korea and North Korea which is still in existence.
John F. Kennedy ~ Democrat ~ President 1961 - 1963
Navy Lieutenant in World War II, Captain of PT 109 assault boat which was sunk by collision with a Japanese Navy destroyer. Awarded Silver Star for heroism for rescue of crew member. Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1953 and served until elected President. In October 1962, confronted the U.S.S.R. and placed a naval blockade around Cuba to prohibit the installation and activation of nuclear weapons from the U.S.S.R. on Cuban soil. Assassinated while in office in November 1963. (ed note: I entered the Navy just prior to his death, I would have like to have served longer under his leadership)
Lyndon B. Johnson ~ Democrat ~ President 1963 - 1969
Assumed Presidency upon death of President Kennedy. Elected to House of Representatives in 1937. Navy Lieutenant Commander WW II and earned the Silver Star for heroism. Elected to the U.S. Senate 1948 until elected as Vice President. Reelected to Presidency in 1964. Shortly after assuming office following the death of President Kennedy, he elected to escalate the Vietnam War. (ed. note: As Commander In Chief, I would rate him as fair to poor in his political decisions and strategy in conducting the war in Vietnam)
Richard M. Nixon ~ Republican ~ 1969 - 1974
Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy in World War II. Elected to Congress and in 1950 elected to the U.S. Senate serving two years prior to be elected as Vice President to President Eisenhower. Vice President from 1953 to 1961. Lost presidential election to John F. Kennedy in 1961. Nominated and won the Presidency in 1968. During his term, he ended the draft and concluded the Vietnam War. His Vice President, Spiro Agnew resigned his office for legal reasons. House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford assumed the office. On 8/8/1974, President Nixon resigned his Presidency to avoid impeachment hearings pertaining to the Watergate Hotel incident. Gerald R. Ford assumed the Presidency. (ed note: President Nixon did a very good job as Commander in Chief, maintained a strong military service and concluded the Vietnam War. )
Gerald R. Ford ~ Republican ~ 1974 - 1977
Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy in World War II. Elected to Congress in 1948 and served for 25 years prior to having to assume the office of Vice President. House Minority Leader from 1965 to 1973. Assumed the Presidency upon the resignation of Richard Nixon. (ed note: President Ford is often overlooked as an effective President. He brought us through one of the largest scandals in American politics. He was a very good Commander In Chief and maintained the growth and modernization of the military)
Jimmy Carter ~ Democrat ~ 1977 - 1981
Graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy and served seven years in the Navy, resigning his commission. Elected as Governor of Georgia. Elected to the Presidency with a narrow victory over President Ford, primary due to the decline of economics the last year of the Ford administration. Iran seized the U.S. Embassy and held 52 Americans as hostage for 14 months. Hostages were released the last day that President Carter was in office. (ed. note In my opinion, despite his early background, President Carter was the worst president in my lifetime. As Commander in Chief, he was a dismal failure. Morale in the services plummeted as well as the drastic cuts in the military budget and dismantlement of the U.S. Navy. President Carter is also the President that locked up 103 million acres in Alaska including ANWRA)
Ronald Reagan ~ Republican ~1981 ~ 1989
Two term Governor of California. Selected George H.W. Bush as his Vice President who was currently serving as Ambassador to the United Nations. Won the first election with a Electoral Vote of 489 to 49. Won his second term in office with an unprecedented number of Electoral Votes. President Reagan, realizing the importance of the military services and the dismantlement of the U.S. Navy. He pledged to build the Navy to a five hundred ship fleet which he accomplished in his term of office. Increased the national defense budget by 35%. Confronted the U.S.S.R. and taking advantage of their economic conditions and our strong military posture, brought them to the bargaining table in curtailment and establishment of the nuclear missile treaties. First President to take a stand on terrorism by enacting the War on Terrorism. Sent American bombers into Libya after evidence of attack and killing of American soldiers in a Berlin, Germany nightclub. Through his efforts, the collapse of the U.S.S.R. would occur as well as the Berlin Wall. (ed note: President Reagan was the best of the Commander in Chiefs during my tenure in the U.S. Navy.)
George H.W. Bush ~ Republican ~ 1989 - 1993
Youngest Naval Aviator in World War II, flying 58 combat mission prior to getting shot down and rescued by the U.S. Navy submarine. Elected to House of Representatives for two terms, nominated as Ambassador to the United Nations and Director of the C.I.A. Served as Vice President with President Reagan for eight years. During his term in office the Berlin Wall came down and the U.S.S.R. collapsed. Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait, President Bush formed a coalition of allies after the United Nations failed to react and commenced Operation Desert Storm liberating Kuwait and forcing Saddam Hussein into surrendering. Economic conditions and pledging not to rise taxes, then going back on his pledge lost his reelection. (ed note: Although I had retired, I would have liked to served under his command.)
William J. Clinton ~ Democrat ~ 1993 - 2001
Elected as Governor of Arkansas in 1978. Lost reelection for second term and came back after four years and was again elected as Governor of Arkansas. He never completed his second term due to being elected to the Presidency. During his eight years as Commander in Chief, he concluded some deep cuts in the military services with a large number of military bases being closed. Because of scandals while in office, the House of Representatives impeached him however the U.S. Senate found him not guilty. Sent missiles into Iraq when Saddam Hussein expelled the United Nation Inspectors that were seeking evidence of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. (ed note: Despite his popularity, although I did not serve under his command as Commander in Chief, I would rate his at the level of Jimmy Carter. Several acts of terrorism, including the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole occurred with many losses of American lives with no retaliatory actions on his part.)
George W. Bush ~ Republican ~ 2001 to Present
Air National Guard, F-102 fighter pilot. Served a term as Governor of Texas. In the history of Texas, he was the first Governor to be elected to a second term in office which he was serving when he was elected President. A few months following his assuming the Presidency, the terrorism attack of September 11th occurred. Following the aftermath of 9/11 he propelled his role as Commander In Chief and took command of the situation. He set the example for each of us to follow. He initialized the original War on Terrorism and took the war to the combatants in Afghanistan and Iraq. Economic conditions hit historic levels during his tenure and has only recently started to plummet. He is currently serving out his second term in office. (ed note: Like his father, I would have enjoyed serving under his command, although his popularity currently is at record lows, he is enjoying high popularity with the military men and women. History will be grade his Presidency at a much higher level than he is currently being given credit)
That is a very brief summary for each of the past nine Presidents. In less than a month, the tenth President in my lifetime will be elected. After reading the experience of the previous nine, compare those with the two candidates that are currently seeking your vote.
Barack Obama ~ Democrat
Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, currently serving his first term in office.
John McCain ~ Republican
Graduated for the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Completed flight training and assigned various aircraft carriers as a naval aviator. Flew combat missions over Vietnam, shot down and was held by the North Vietnam as a Prisoner of War for almost six years. Returned home following his release, went through rehabilitation and despite his physical handicaps regained flight status as a naval aviator. Earning the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross and numerous other medals. Served as the Commanding Officer of an aircraft squadron in Florida with several hundred men and women under his command. Retired from the Navy as a full Captain after 22 years. Elected to Congress from Arizona in 1982. Elected to the U.S. Senate from Arizona in 1986 to the present time.
Experience counts and your VOTE counts.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago