I am just the average United States citizen, I love and believe in my country. I pay my taxes, I vote each election, make an attempt to set an example for others to follow. I try to keep myself informed on current events so in the event I am ever asked, I can render a logical opinion. I was taught by a tough old Boatswain's Mate when I was just a Seaman in the Navy. After, I had expressed a dislike for a Commissioned Officer due his lack of leadership and professionalism. The Bos'n put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Harrington, you do not have to like the man, you do not have to agree or even respect him as man, but you do have to respect the uniform he wears and the position that he represents".
I have a habit of correcting those that refer to the President by his last name, I remind them that his first name is President followed by his last name. Remembering what the Bos'n taught me, I will continue to refer to our current President as President Obama. Not that I agree with his policies or philosophy but out of respect for the office which he has been elected. However, I am about overdosed on seeing President Obama on the television several times each day. Someone needs to tell the new President that the election is over, he won, now he can quit campaigning. Wouldn't it be wiser of NBC, CBS, ABC, or MSNBC to just give him an evening nightly news program where he can be the anchor of the program. They also use teleprompters. He could even host a reality comedy show, he could use his Press Secretary Robert Gibbs as one of his main guests, not to mention several of the other appointments that he has made.
Key words that I am really tired of hearing, "transparency" and "accountability". Right, several thousand screaming people fleeing out of the office buildings in New York City when a 747 started flying around "Ground Zero" and the Statue of Liberty followed by a F-16. It was a photo shoot to get pictures of "Air Force One". Cost to us as taxpayers, $325,000! Reportedly, President Obama did not know about it. It is his office that wanted the pictures, it is one of two airplanes assigned to him. If my luxury 747 was out flying around, I would want to know about it! At any rate it surely did scare a lot of people but quoting the President, "it won't happen again".
However, this really upsets me. Trust me, I am all for freedom of speech and expression but refrained with just a touch a class and common sense would be appropriate. This painting will go on exhibit at New York City Union Square today in celebration of President Obama's 100th day in office. Remember the lapel pin that he would not wear at the start of the campaign season, then changed his mind. Note his lapel.
This is our ole buddy Mahmound Ahmadinejad, President of Iran. You know that guy that is building the nuclear missiles, providing funds and supplies to terrorists groups around the world, want to drop a nuclear weapon on Israeli, and denies that the Holocaust ever occurred. With the warming relationship with the Secretary of State and the White House it seems that some type of foreign exchange has already occurred. This idiot (I refuse to respect his office) but he is preparing to run for re-election in Iran. I bet you can never guess what he is using as a campaign slogan unless you saw it on the news today. Yes, he also believes in "Change" and is using a very similar slogan that we saw splashed across America for the past year, "Change We Can Believe In". It is reported that he has been asked to tone it down a bit and change some of the wording. You have to love politics!
How funny is this? I just ran my spell check program, when you spell White House as one word
(whitehouse) the suggestions you get is Whorehouse!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago