Tea Party 2009  

Posted by Stan Harrington

On April 15, 2009 citizens of small communities similar to Homer, Alaska to metropolitan areas similar to Washington D.C. gathered to have a "Tea Party" in groups of a few to mass groups of thousands in protest to higher taxes, government spending, and lack of representation by our elected officials. Whether you agree or disagree with this protest it was a voice to be reckoned with. The protests were non-violent and represented by citizens of all age, gender, race, and culture. Although, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives labeled the protesters as "radicals", they represented a very large block of the voting constituents. The career politicians that are planning on running for re-election this next cycle would best be served by listening to the voice of America, as they are speaking loud and clear.

I have posted several pictures of the "Tea Party 2009" that were taken across our great nation, however, I would have to give the picture taken in Anchorage, Alaska as the best picture that caught my immediate attention.

2nd Choice for Best Representation

I would predict that the party has just started, we will see more of these peaceful rallies occurring in the future. Perhaps our elected officials will eventually understand that the electorate is tired of the "politics as usual" despite the call for "Change"

This entry was posted on April 16, 2009 at Thursday, April 16, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


so you think you can dodge in and out without the indians finding you? Did you see Blue Duck? We caught sight of a couple of Lynx....they'll be on the lookout for you napping in your truck.

4/18/09, 9:37 AM

It was a quick trip, into LA at 0930, washed down the horses at 1237, hit McDonald's and out of town by 1301 and non-stop into the HITW. Napping in my recliner by 1707.

4/18/09, 11:03 AM

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