Character Is A Big Deal  

Posted by Stan Harrington

In recent days, President Barack Obama signed the Health Reform Bill into law. Typically a large "dog and pony" show was staged for this historical moment. Vice President Joe Biden was given the honor of introducing the President. Following his introduction, he hugged the President and whispered in his ear "this is a big f_ _ _ _ _ _ deal". However, he forgot that the microphone was still hot and it broadcast his words around the world. The majority of the news media made light of the remark by simply stating that the Vice President made another 'gaff" and dismissed it. Later, when the President was ask about the "gaff", he laughed it off. He later had a tee shirt made up with the gaff and presented it to the Vice President.

Over the years, I have watched the "F" word become a commonly used word for both males, females, and our young people. I must admit, I have a very tough time with the wide usage of the word. Presumably because I was reared in a generation that this word was not used in mixed company. This word was never spoken by a girl, woman, and more importantly a lady. Kids, well we had better not even think of the word.

In later years, I grew up in the U.S.Navy, we, as sailors were known for our foul language, however, the "F" word was never used in mixed company out of respect. Into the early 1980's, if you wanted to get a good "butt kicking" all you had to do is drop the word in a bar or dance when a lady was present. There was always a tough "Ole" cowboy that would gladly do the honors for you or a grizzled old Navy Chief that would set you straight if it was a Navy bar.

Today, it is part of the vocabulary for both male and female in mixed company and used extensively by our younger generation. However, to see it uttered by the Vice President and laughed about by the President of the United States makes it questionable about their character.

President Obama has went out of his way to be recorded into history comparing him to President Abraham Lincoln. How would history have recorded President Lincoln if during his Gettysburg Address, if he would have uttered the words "this is a big f_ _ _ _ _ _ deal"?

If making a joke about the tasteless remark was not enough, the President then decides to take advantage of the situation. No doubt, he intends to make a few campaign bucks but his basic motive is to garnish enough votes to get re-elected. He had the young voters in his pocket last election because he promise "Change" this next time around, he is playing to their language. "Wow, if the President is cool enough to use the "F" word, I will vote for him".

This is the link the Presidents web site. Visit the site and see all the merchandise that he is hustling as if he were some type of Chicago street vendor.

It appears that this was not just a joke to him but an opportunity. It is evident that "BFD" is important to him as it is emblazoned on several items, including
This ten dollar T-shirt is for sale on his web site for $25.00 plus shipping. I am sure the past Presidents, especially Abraham Lincoln, who was a great orator without a teleprompter, would be so very proud of President Obama.

ADDENDUM 4/2/2010 0543

Curious, I paid a visit to the Democrat Party web site. The headline on the Home Page caught my attention since it dealt with the title of this posting, "Character". The quote reads: "THIS IS NOT ONLY ABOUT THE COST OF OUR HEALTH CARE BUT THE CHARACTER OF OUR COUNTRY", President Barack Obama.

They also have a mini warehouse of "BFD" gift items and others that they did not leave anything to the imagination. "This Is A Big F _ _ _ _ _ _ Deal. They also have a selection of the BFD T shirt, autographed by President Obama.

The item that caught my attention was this "Organizing For America" Blanket.
The big headline title for this product is:

Organizing For America Fleece Blanket

At least they are honest, they are "Fleecing America"

This entry was posted on April 1, 2010 at Thursday, April 01, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Yessir. It appears that the F-bomb has been defused by it's constant use in various situations. I, personally, blame my generation for making light of the once-heavy word only used in private among friends when Mom wasn't listening. A lot of comedians over used the word when I was a kid - drilling into our minds that it was funny. It's meaning has been all but stripped so that, when I throw something in rage, it has no power behind it. A new word to replace it is in order so that it may provide that relief that has been lost.
Barack it!! I'll use any barackin' word I want to when I'm angry. If any of you barackers don't like it, barack you, too!

4/2/10, 5:10 AM

To funny, think I will also incorporate it into my vocabulary, Barack It!

4/2/10, 5:24 AM

There is a guy here in Lincoln who constantly posts in the rants and raves and he pulls articles out of the news and replaces the term "African American" with "Obama Voters". Seems his name is becoming synonymous with a negative remark...
BTW: I will admit that I "cuss like a sailor" ;)(Sorry Stan could not help it!) but even I know the appropriate places and situations to not use my colorful language. Few such places: School, church, work, public (stores and parks)and around most any other person that I do not know well. Despite my gifted talent of being able to use the "F" word every other word I do not use ANY "potty mouth" and even refrain from saying "oh God!" to "Oh Gosh!" out of religious respect when in those certain situations. I was at Target the other day and two female employees were having a discussion and the "F" word was used at least five time in less than three minutes, neither giving a care that there was a customer right next to them who could have overheard. I had the urge to lie and tell them that I was a secret shopper and that they were getting reported but I let it go thinking the problem isn't fixable, especially when you have a president who excuses, even encourages people to use such language.
It seems from Day one Stan he has tried to bring the "cool" to the White House by housing popular bands and actors ad even letting fame seekers "crash" his party. He has also dressed down this role as ell by wearing unbutton shirts and no tie. They say it shows he is human , to me it shows he is arrogant and has no respect for the blood sweat and tears that went into providing him the chance to sit where he is at.
If he was applying for a job, for the interview most would feel it appropriate after seeing everyone else in crisp suits for him to dress the same way correct? No, he is above even our staunch dress code. Its change all right but did we ask if it was good?

4/2/10, 8:43 AM

Oh, you opened a entirely new topic for me to rant on, professionalism! I am sure you have heard me correct others when referring to the President by only their last names. The news media started this during the last administration,his name is not Bush. His name is President Bush. The same with the current occupant, his name is President Obama. You do not have to like or trust the President, but you still respect the office. However, if they hold that office, they to must respect the office for which it stands. It is the most powerful position in the world, therefore it includes a degree of professionalism. In their private quarters, he can run around in his skivvies, I don't care but in the Oval Office or when traveling on business, a suit and tie is the appropriate attire. He chose the job that is 24 - 7. Boarding his aircraft, which he seems to enjoy. The young Marine or Airman that renders honors to him by the hand salute, must maintain strict compliance to uniform regulations at all times. However, his most senior officer, the Commander In Chief does not live up to the same principle of professionalism. However, you see it in several aspects of our society. I have noticed it greatly in the medical profession and our school systems. It is the responsibility of the professionals to set the example.

4/2/10, 9:47 AM

Now I have a new euphanism to deploy in periods of road rage brougbht about by insane bumper to bumper freeway traffic. Barak U 2 @@@****&&&!!

4/7/10, 5:38 AM

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