In the event you have not noticed, thus far into the summer season it has been unseasonably cold. Since the 1st of May, we have enjoyed nine days of warm, sunny weather. The remaining days, it has been cloudy, overcast, drizzly, windy, rainy, and misty. Having this personal knowledge, this particular headline grabbed my attention today as I was cruising through the news. "Earth The Hottest It's Been In 2000 Years". Now an article with this headline begs for reading after what we have experienced. Wrong, I did not get through he first paragraph. We as humans are the cause for it and this warming trend is created by the greenhouse gases. The only gas my greenhouse plants have been putting off is the gas they emit from dying on the vine due to the lack of the sun. The article begs for a series of questions to be asked from these experts; How in the hell do you know that the earth is the hottest it has been in two thousand years? They only invented the thermometer less than two hundred years ago! The National Weather Service Records only go back a hundred years, at the most! How about the Ice Age? Right, visit me in Anchor Point, Alaska and tell me again that it is getting warmer. Enjoy the rest of your summer and perhaps, it will get warmer.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago