Just took a quick peek at the weather report and Doppler radar, the bad news is that it is raining in Anchorage as I post, the good news is that it is sunny and warm on the southern fringes of the Kenai Peninsula. Long range, it appears that we can expect the remainder of June with a little moisture, surely we will see our summer in July. I am always the optimist.
Chuckled at the posting from the Wolf Pack today, seems the old den has been overrun by visiting children even during celebration of another year of the dominant male in
the pack. If you are wondering why he is the dominant male, he is the only male! At least he had a lot of friends attend his party. I do not know what all the stress is about pertaining to the number of little guests that keep coming and going out the door. According to the news, the Good Queen Elizabeth celebrated her 80th birthday today by inviting 2,000 children to tea. Can you imagine the amount of tea and crumpets that 2,000 kids can consume? Surely would not want to get caught in the bathroom line at that house. But I thought it neat that an 80 year old lady could entertain that many kids and a young woman the age of my daughter gets stressed out at a dozen, but that is the new generation.
Looks as if the Buffalo Clan enjoyed the Hole In the Wall recreational area so much that they have also opened up a new campground at their homestead. I bet their "multi-purpose" room is not as nice but any mobile travelers coming through the Anchor Angler, we will make sure that we send you a little business, I am sure that you can also accommodate a few "hook-ups" for the motor home travelers as well as tent camping sites. I do need to apologize to the Lady Buffalo, her identification of the bird nest in the HITWRA was correct. Those little red headed birds turned into Magpies.
Spent yesterday, doing some clean up and restoration work in the HITWRA. All repairs that were needed in and around the multi-purpose room was the main agenda, took a little longer than expected as I received a constant bombardment from the Magpies protecting their nest. They can get very aggressive, especially when Momma Cat shows up to see what I am doing. For awhile, I thought I was going to have to shoot a couple of them in defense of life and property. However, the little birds have grown fast, although they are out of the nest they are still not ready to fly so they just sit on a branch and stare at you. Of course, I was not able to resist the temptation and had to pet each one.
The day before, Golden Grammy unplugged the power to the area since no one was using it. While cleaning up, I once again heard a fan noise coming from the Buffalo Wallow, not having a security key I broke out a window to try and get into the camp, but my arm was not long enough to reach the door lock so I just disconnected the battery. It was still running strong after the power had been off for 24 hours so the battery must be charged. Will reconnect the battery and power just prior to the next arrival so don't worry, someone is looking out for you. As well, I put some duct tape over the window to keep out the rain.
The recreational area is in good shape, raked the entire area and drained the central lake so it should be in good shape unless we see some major rain this week.
The Anchor River will once again open to fishing on July 1st, still a lot of King Salmon moving through the system although the season will be closed but the Dolly Varden fishery should be real good, you will need to turn the King Salmon loose. The marine troll fishery should be producing some of those 50 to 70 pound King Salmon by this next weekend, I would expect to see the first one of the season to show up within the next day or so. If you can talk your guide into taking you out, it may give you a chance to unseat the Grand Poopa and reverse Title 13.
During the short time I have blogged, I have seen a lot of good pictures, seems that JD Plumma is always on the search for picture, but thus far this year, I would have to nominate the picture that was posted on the blog site of Erotic Screaming as the "Photo of the Year". This photo will no doubt propel the screamer into the Annual Christmas Tribunal. Good job Heidi! Speaking of photos, if you look at all the photos that the Lady Moose took, you will want to take a close look at little Warren with his ball cap on and sleeveless shirt, looks just like a little Homer! Proving that the acorn does not fall far the tree.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago