There are a number of places much colder than the "Little Village By the River". i.e. in LA and the Silicon Valley! However, there are more places that are warmer and as I sit here tonight, listening to wind howling off shore from the majestic Cook Inlet, I pause to wonder "why the hell ain't I in one of those warm spots". Mexico would be great, beaches, bikini watching, and fishing. A little leisure time along the banks of the Colorado River in Laughlin, Nevada and enjoying a little gambling would be perfect. A little island exploring and laying on the beaches on the Big Island in Hawaii would almost be perfect. However, anyone can survive in climates like that, it takes someone special to survive an Alaskan cold snap, besides the Golden Granny looks so cute in her long underwear!
Had the opportunity to talk with Brother Bill this evening, he had just stopped for the night enroute to Minnesota hauling a load of portable ice shanties. He had stopped in Wyoming long enough to visit with niece Diane, everyone might want to clean up their blog sites. She and Dalene are now on the internet, while there Bill showed her how to access my site so it will not be long before they start peeking into yours. It would be great if they started a blog of their own so we could all communicate. So welcome girls, hope you enjoy and feel free to leave a comment. Dalene, by the way, did you ever find the other bottle of champagne that we left for you to safeguard? How about your underwear, did they show up?
Ranger Bill is still making plans of coming north in the spring with a mule, horse and Welsh Pony in tow. He has already found the camper that he is going to be driving north, happened to spot it while driving through some town. It is pretty close to the same age and model of the first truck that Tad used to bring the load of mules and horses to Alaska in the late 50's.
Bill figures that he can easily tow the horse trailer with it, he has not figured out how he is going to haul the rickshaw that I ordered. A two wheel rickshaw would be perfect for the kids, a Welsh Pony is plenty big to pull it, once it is broke to harness, that way one of the kids can ride the pony and three more ride in the rickshaw, Hunter can follow on his bike. No more of those new fangled four wheelers in our camp - we are going back to basics. I also thought that perhaps, I could use the pony and rickshaw to go fishing. I don't think the state parks should charge a parking fee for a horse and buggy! The concept is great, we could all go to the local pub at night, get downright happy and not have to worry about a designated driver - as long as we make sure the horse doesn't have anything to drink! Can a trooper give six people in a rickshaw built for two a ticket if the horse is sober, there is no registration required, no license plate required, it is not a motor vehicle. The last time I checked, there was no statute prohibiting operating a rickshaw under the influence! Do you realize how much fun we could have with Ranger Roger? I do not get many ideas, but this one is good, I don't care what anyone says!
At long last, we on the lower peninsula finally have access to fresh donuts and other
freshly baked delicacies. A new bakery just opened in the "Little Hamlet By The Sea." For those that live in the LA enjoy your Krispi Cremes and Dunking Donuts, we have Omar's Bakery.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago