Hi, my name is Stan, I am a news junkie! I thoroughly enjoy the news, it is interesting, at times even humorous, and on rare occasion educational. However, if you accept things at face value or as represented by the source, you may have a problem.
For instance, is it just me or are there others out there that really do not give a damm if Tom Cruise and Kate Holmes got married? Who cares about the lavish castle in Italy where they held their wedding or their honeymoon to the tropical paradise of Tahiti. Why is this news worthy and how will it affect my life? I would have been more interested in the closing price of Pepsi on the stock exchange, that really affects my life! I am really tired of seeing their pictures.
Several years ago, the nation was glued to the television networks as we watched the O.J. Simpson trial. For eighteen months, whether we wanted it or not we were enlightened with trials and tribulations of O.J. Simpson. Now, because he writes a book "IF I Killed My Wife, This Is How I Would Have Done It", we will once again get to review all the court tapes, get all of the opinions a second time, and in our own minds the same conclusions that were rendered several years ago. You are guilty, you got a "Do Not Go to Jail Card" and I do not want to hear anymore about you. Take the 3.5 million dollar book deal and go away! Although, I do find it ironic that O.J. is found guilty of the deaths of two people by a civil court, the family is awarded $30 million dollars in the wrongful death suit of which Mr. Simpson has not paid a penny. Today, he remains in the Professional Football Hall of Fame as an inspiration to our youngsters.
Is there any particular reason that we really need San Francisco in our United States. There is a large number of military installations in and around the area of San Francisco including a large number of naval ships homeported there. These establishments pour billions of dollars into the local SF economy. However, time after time, their city council has demonstrated their anti-military attitudes. The latest ruling that came from their council was the elimination of all Jr. Reserve Officer Training Corps classes in their high schools. These are the same classes that you have in the high schools in the LA area, Army, Navy, and Air Force are represented in each of your schools. They are volunteer classes and fully funded by the Department of Defense, including the instructor positions. However, the San Francisco City Council feels that these classes put unwanted influence on the students and their rights. However, the establishment of "Gay" Clubs are permitted. Today, I read that two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration on the first day of winter in San Francisco. But, the two activists do not want you marching in the streets, they would much rather you stay at home. As quoted, "The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76 and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm December 22nd while focusing on world peace" I am really sorry, I did not make this up! At any rate, I know what I am going to be doing on December 22nd but I do not know if I will be able to focus on world peace at the same time! I do know that any future travel plans that I have will not include the San Francisco area.
News items to watch in the future includes one that Representative Charles Rangel, Democrat, New York State announced today. When the new congressional session opens, he will introduce a bill to "Reinstate the Draft". It is my humble opinion that Rep Rangel is an idiot. He has introduced this same legislation in the past in order to stir the masses of the younger people who would be acceptable to the draft. This introduction is strictly a method to fuel the fire of the anti-military and anti-war movement. The last time he introduced this same legislation was 1n 2002, it was soundly defeated by a house vote of 402 - 2, he voted against his own legislation. I think it is also time for Charlie to go away.
The good news is that it is almost Thanksgiving and the ten days of the National Rodeo Finals will commence on December 1st, my two favorites once again qualified for the finals, Eddie Etbauer in the bronc riding and Fred Whitfield in calf roping. Updates to follow!
A belated happy Birthday to my younger brother today, if 51 is young! Happy Birthday Brother, would have mailed you a card but I don't know the address to your truck.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago