The term, "Global Warming" is one of those buzz words that we hear on a daily basis. In recent months, we have seen and read constant daily references to this term. With the onslaught of the politicians vying for your vote in November 2008, we will continue to be bombarded by this term. Hollywood has endorsed this term to new heights. Through their support it has escalated the popularity of Al Gore to a position that he is once again considering to run again for the Presidency of the United States. All of this was based on a movie that he narrated pertaining to "Global Warming". Perhaps, the effect of "Global Warming" would decline rapidly if the politicians and others would just shut up. The omitting of their "hot air" could be a contributing factor to the warming change.
In recent days, I came across a couple of articles pertaining to this global crisis. One such article pointed out that the sea levels are rising due to the melt down of the glaciers. The data pertaining to this claim was taken from a variety of coastal areas. Test sites were utilized in New York City, Galveston, Texas, San Francisco, and Sitka, Alaska. These sites were chosen in order to represent the coastal zone of the United States. Based on these studies, the sea level is increasing .08 to .12 inches per year. EXCEPT, in Sitka, Alaska where the sea level is dropping .12 to .27 inches per year. Their conclusion on this discrepancy in the data was that the "land mass of Alaska is rising". Have you noticed an altitude change lately? If the glaciers are melting so rapidly, one would think that it would affect Sitka prior to the remaining test sites. However, I only base this on common sense. We have all survived the onslaught of the dreaded Spruce Bark Beetle that devastated areas of forest throughout Alaska. The onslaught of the Bark Beetle was also contributed to "Global Warming" by several environmental groups. This day, I discovered that we now have a problem with our spruce forests as a result of "Global Warming". According to a recent news release, "rising temperatures fueled by global warming are causing spruce trees to invade Arctic tundra". A second quote, ""While in many places the idea of more trees is a good one, this Arctic takeover endangers species like caribou and sheep that thrive in the tundra". I am not positive, but I always thought that the caribou enjoyed a few tress to provide them shelter. Whenever, I see the caribou on the Kenai Peninsula they seem to be hanging around the trees. A second point, when was the last time that you saw any sheep standing out in the tundra, they are suppose to be hanging out on the mountains? Although, no conclusion was reached in this article, I can only assume that we should be logging the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to protect the tundra.
I am only one small voice, but I am in favor of "Global Warming" . I tire easily of the snow, ice and cold temperatures, I want to see some green grass, flowers and the opportunity to walk through my spruce forest before they have to be cut down to insure they do not spread and encroach onto the wetlands.