by Stan Harrington
With the arrival of daylight savings time, spring is sure to follow within a few weeks. This realization came to me as I was sitting on my veranda this morning, enjoying my first cup of coffee and watching the snow melt. Perhaps it is also the time of the season that we should be making plans for needed improvements to the Hole In the Wall Recreation Area. From the time the last of the snow disappears, there is only a few days remaining until the first onslaught of Clans move into the area for the recreational months of summer.
There are several projects that we should complete prior to Memorial Week that will greatly enhance the area and make our facilities user friendly. Taking into consideration that each of the Clans have some type of "speciality", I have taken it upon myself to assign the various tasks to individual Clans. As the "Grand Master" it will make my job much easier to supervise and insure that the assignments are completed in a timely fashion.
In the past, we have managed to provide electric power to the site through the use of extension cords from the Eagle Nest. However, when you lay out 1,500 feet of extension cords through puddles of water, it not only diminishes the amount of power, trip circuit breakers, it would also be considered dangerous when the connections are submerged in water. The affect on the electric bill at the Eagle Nest has no bearing on this project.
I have assigned the "Bear Clan" the task of formulating the plans, construction and operational control of the power plant. The bluff line surrounding the recreational area will be a natural place for the "Wind Generator". With the off shore breezes that is received in this area throughout the day, one generator system, should provide all the needed power that we will require and still keep the bank of batteries charged for those needed periods of no wind. During the "off season" the power can easily be diverted to the Eagle Nest so any excess power will not get stagnant. With PaPa Bear being a qualified electrical lineman and support from the remaining three Bears, they should be able to have power to each of the "home sites" within a short period of time. With their connections, I am sure they can find the proper equipment to lay the service lines underground so they will not diminish our pristine view from the area.
I have located a "used" caterpillar on sale as a fixer upper. As much leveling and dredging that is required each year, I thought it best to invest in the proper equipment. Fortunately, the "Buffalo Clan" has a very experience mechanic that can work on and operate heavy equipment. I am not quite sure what is wrong with the equipment, other than it won't start and oil is leaking out of all the fittings, but I am sure it will take very little time to have it purring like a kitten. I have assigned this project to the "Buffalo Clan" and if needed, the "Woodpecker Clan" can assist in operating the equipment. Prior to the big week, I would like to get the entry way graded and the the "bowl" area leveled, typar base and gravel spread throughout the area. This task should be completed after the "Bear Clan" has laid the underground power cable so as not to be repetitious in our efforts. During the grading operations, remaining members of the Buffalo Clan and Woodpecker Clan will be able to haul gravel from the beach so it will be on site for the final leveling and grading.
The entry to the "Hole In The Wall" should be improved and highly visible to all that it is a private area and no intrusion is invited. At the same time, it should be in good taste and fit into the theme of the area. This past year, a landscaping project commenced on the "Kroc Pond" and should also be completed prior to the upcoming season. I have assigned the "Moose Clan" to these two projects. While "Bull Moose" cuts, peels the bark, and erects the "Main Gate", "MaMa Moose " will have the time to complete the project on the Kroc Pond. I have taken the opportunity to lay out the blue prints fro these two
projects since I do have some experience in both areas. The majority of the material is on site, including the rocks and the tree for the gate. I am sure all of you remember that one "big" tree that we have all been afraid to cut down that sits atop the bluff. That would make an ideal cross bar for the gate. Some coordination will be required between the "Moose" and Buffalo" Clan as the Caterpillar will be required to skid out the log as well as hoisting the cross bar in place. If additional dunnage is required to make the project easier, the "Wolf Clan" has a good supply of material.
One essential item that we have needed for our comforts is a steady and reliable supply of fresh, potable water. Fortunately for us, the Plumma and Alpha Male of the "Wolf Clan" knows everything there is to know about piping water in and out. His knowledge will be necessary in this project. If we can install our own "Water Distillation Plant" it will provide us a reliable supply of water throughout the season. I am sure that he has the required parts that he will need to construct the plant in the back of his work truck or his garage. During the construction period of the plant, the remaining members of the Wolf Clan can dig the trenches and lay in the water lines that will run to each home site. Once again, coordination will be required with the Bear Clan and Buffalo Clan to insure that all dredging and digging projects work in harmony with one another. Since the plant will be operating off the water supply created by the glacier which drains into the "Kroc Pond" coordination will be required with the Moose Clan to insure adequate water supplies are maintained for the landscape project as well potable water for the home sites.
I am sure with my advanced planning that each of the Clans will be able to gather the required material and have the majority of the projects completed on one weekend. During my supervision, I will insure that the fire pit is taken care of, coffee pot is on, and snacks are available for those that get hungry. Mother Eagle has volunteered to be the "beer runner" so as not to interrupt your work, just holler "BEER" and she will come a runnin. In your advanced planning, just remember the eight P's!
This entry was posted
on March 14, 2007
at Wednesday, March 14, 2007
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