"April Showers"  

Posted by Stan Harrington

"April Showers Will Bring May Flowers"
This is what your Doppler Radar for the Cook Inlet Region looked like at 13:35 on April 1st 2008. A "little" rain in the forecast.

But, this is what the Doppler Radar looked like for the Gulf of Alaska at the same time, 1257, April 1, 2008. You can guess where this storm is headed - hold on LA you are going to get wet!

This entry was posted on April 1, 2008 at Tuesday, April 01, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


...i hope it's snow....(snick)

4/1/08, 2:36 PM

An interesting poll was conducted tonight on the Greta Van Susteren show, "On The Record". The poll question was, "Which potential first spouse would do the best job representing the United States?" By coincidence the same poll is used on her blog site as I use on my other site. The poll question was on line for less than an hour and had a total of 14,604 hits to the poll. The voting went as follows:
Former President Clinton: 30% 4,405 Votes

Mrs. Obama: 4% 579 Votes

Mrs. McCain: 66% 9,625 Votes

4/1/08, 7:09 PM

I forgot what April showers were... and here's to them (raising my glass) and their May flowers!

I so have to agree with that Poll, I am surprised Bill (oh sorry President Bill)was ranked so high.

4/1/08, 10:10 PM

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