Although just a few days late, I have confirmed what I have known since early childhood. Santa Claus is a live and well! Finally, a governmental agency has had the nerve as well as spirit to confirm my belief regardless to the fact that it is not "politically correct" to do so. Kudos and well done to the biologists at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. By clicking on the "link" you can find out everything you wanted to know about Santa's Reindeer, so the next time you are asked by a little one you can tell them the facts.
Next year, this documentation will be provided to each school in Alaska and hopefully we will get "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" back into school's Christmas Concert instead of the continuation of the Winter Festival and dope smoking, hippie musical programs that have no significant social or educational redeemable value whatsoever in regards to Christmas.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago