
Grand Slam  

Posted by Stan Harrington

There are four species of wild North American Sheep. These include the North American Bighorn Sheep, Dall Sheep, Stone Sheep, and Desert Big Horn Sheep. It is every sheep hunters dream to score a Grand Slam. A hunter must take one of each specie during a twelve month period to be recognized as achieving this very difficult task.
I am on the threshold of accomplishing this task, in October I had the great pleasure in taking the Stone Ram and the North American Bighorn. On Christmas day, a dream of any hunter came true when I caught five Dall Rams hanging out together. At this point, I am contemplating a trip south to a spot northeast of Las Vegas. The largest concentration of Desert Bighorns that I have seen are in this area.
Although, if I do make this trip and am fortunate to take a Desert Bighorn, I will not be recognized of accomplishing a Grand Slam. Each of the rams that I have shot was with a camera and not a high powered rifle. Although, each shot I took was well within 20 to 50 feet of the subject, so even I could have dropped a subject at that distance. Twenty years ago, I perhaps would have rather had a rifle, but now I was content just to see them. Just having the opportunity to shoot them with a camera and watch them wander away was a elating experience.

Rocky Mountain Bighorn ~ October 2007

Stone Ram ~ October 2007

Dall Ram ~ Christmas Day 2007

"Christmas Rams"

This entry was posted on December 26, 2007 at Wednesday, December 26, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I can't wait to see what else you capture... Thanks for making the trip up. I barely got to see you two, let me know when you are planning to come up with Shane, and I'll take a day or two off, with three kids one is ALWAYS sick.

12/26/07, 11:42 PM

next he will be on an African safari. Photos alot better than
caping, packing, field dressing...

12/27/07, 7:16 AM

Since I have been back to the "banana belt", it seems that we have accumulated a lot of snow. Been puting the "ole chevie" to work with Dutch riding shotgun. Spent yestrday plowing, including the HITW and again today, we got to do it all over again. Starting to wonder if plowing the HITW is a good idea, accumulaitng some large snow piles around the perimeters, it may hold more run off in and hold it until the snow dams melt down, the way it looks some of the berms may last until July, heck a place to keep the brews chilled. Just checked the doppler, they changed their forecast at 9:10 tonight, calling for snow tonight 5 to 8 inches, oh goody, just what I wanted. Looking for a desert ram in Nevada and even very southern Arizona is sounding better each day!

12/29/07, 12:16 AM

A new ice rink for the HITWRA !!
....i can see it come spring - about 30 degrees, wide-open, glass-like ice sheet covering a 100 foot diameter area (maybe tainted(tinted)in spots from Arnie's remains)and soft berm-like barriers to keep melting onto the rink to make the best ice rink south of Kenai!

i also see ticket sales commencing by the first week in Feb...

12/29/07, 6:48 PM

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