
Senator John McCain  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Whoa, before you discontinue reading this posting thinking that it is a political advertisement or endorsement in the forth coming Presidential elections, it is neither due in part that I have yet reached a decision as to whom I will vote for. However, his story is a story that deserves to be told. At the same time, some interesting facts have developed that I found fascinating.

Senator McCain is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy. Upon his graduation and commissioning as an an Officer of the Line at the rank of Ensign, his twenty two year Naval career commenced. Following his graduation from the academy he was trained as a Naval Aviator. He volunteered to go to Vietnam. On July 29, 1967 he narrowly survived the first of many near death experiences during his lifetime. He was preparing to launch his aircraft from the decks of the U.S.S. Forrestal to conduct a bombing mission over North Vietnam. While preparing to launch, a missile accidentally fired from a nearby aircraft, striking the fuel tanks of McCain's aircraft creating a deadly inferno onboard the ship. He barely escaped the inferno that killed 134 men, injured hundreds and destroyed twenty aircraft.

Instead of exercising the option to return home following the Forrestal disaster he volunteered once again for combat duty. On his 23rd bombing mission on October 26, 1967 a missile struck his aircraft over North Vietnam. He ejected himself from the aircraft breaking both his arms and leg. On the ground, he was taken as a Prisoner of War and placed into the infamous "Hanoi Hilton". He would remain in solitary confinement for a number of years and was liberated when all of the American Prisoners of War were released a the conclusion of the Vietnam Conflict. Although, he had received little medical treatment for his wounds and interrogation methods, he continued his naval career and regained flight status. He retired form the Navy in 1981. His naval honors include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Following retirement, he would seek election to the U.S. Senate, an office that he still holds.

Today, I discovered some additional information that I found most interesting and coincidental. I would refer to you a posting that I made on Friday, December 7, 2007 which you can see by scrolling down just a few days. As most of you know, the first ship that I served on in the Navy during my naval career was the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Shangri-la (CVA-38). On my birth date, May 18, 1945, the Admiral's pennant was raised on the U.S.S. Shangri-La making it the flagship of the 2nd Carrier Task Force. A few days later, under this Admiral's command the Shangri-La launched the first air strikes on the Japanese home islands. The Admiral of the 2nd Carrier Task Force was Vice Admiral John S. McCain, SR, the grandfather of Senator John McCain. Senator McCain's father, John S. McCain, Jr also served in the Navy during World War II as a Submarine Commander. He would later serve as Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet during the Vietnam War and period of time that his son was held as a Prisoner of War.

This entry was posted on December 18, 2007 at Tuesday, December 18, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


do you listen to Oliver North's War Stories?? Interesting stuff...

12/19/07, 3:21 PM

When you decide will you let me know...and of course I want to know why and the why not's of the others. Then I don't have to try and figure out who the bigger liar is....you will have done the home work for me...and I know you always tell the truth....right?

12/20/07, 1:56 AM

What ar you doing up at 1:56 a.m.?

12/20/07, 3:40 AM

Have you stopped for your mid-morning nap?
g'mornin prattler!

12/20/07, 4:57 AM

put the egg nog down

12/20/07, 4:58 AM

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