Homework Assignment
Knowing that the Christmas season is a very busy time in most households, however I do have a homework assignment for my immediate family and friends. For years, sitting around the fire pit at the Hole In The Wall, you have heard reference made to names such as Ranger Gus McCrae, Ranger Woodrow Call, Blue Duck, Buffalo Hump, Claire Allen, and Newt without really knowing and appreciating the names. On a couple of occasions, my own daughters have made the comment that they are going to have to take the time to watch a series of movies so they know what we are talking about.
The movies I reference is Larry McMurty's series of western movies that were originally mini series on television. There are several of these mini series and they were not released in a chronological time line. The first of the series released was the later years of the two Texas Rangers Call and McCrae. This particular series was a smash hit and now considered a classic. This particular series was "Lonesome Dove". The second series was titled "Return to Lonesome Dove". The next series released portrayed the rangers when they first joined the Texas Rangers, "Dead Man's Walk" . The last one in the series is, "Streets of Laredo"and portrays Ranger Woodrow Call in his retirement years.
The homework assignment is to locate these movies. They can be checked out at most video stores but due to the length it may be better to purchase them (Wally World) and watch them. The two critical series that you will want to watch is "Lonesome Dove" and "Return To Lonesome Dove". These two videos will introduce you to the primary characters. Your homework assignment must be completed prior to January 13, 2008.
On January 13th, Larry McMurty's next series will be aired on NBC for three nights for a total of about six hours viewing time. The name of this series will be "Comanche Moon". From the reviews I have seen, this should be a big hit for those fans that enjoyed the other series. This series will introduce you to all of the original characters, including Ranger Gus McCrae, resurrected from the dead. This series will also portray some of the characters never seen before but heard their names like Maggie, the mother of Newt and lady friend of Ranger Call. All of the regular characters including Pea, Blue Duck, and Buffalo Hump will also take part in this series. A name mentioned in the past but never seen is an Indian by the name of Quannah Parker. This should be an excellent series and if you can believe the reviews, it will be as big as the original, "Lonesome Dove". It will be well worth watching, prior planning as well as proper prepartion and previous previewing will prepare you for many hours of enjoyable entertainment ( Seven "P" Principal). A big bowl of popcorn, a sack of potato chips, a six pack and two boxes of cherry chocolates will add to the enhancement of your viewing pleasure. Please do not disturb me on January 13th, 14th, and 15th, I will be busy.