

Posted by Stan Harrington

With twenty three shopping days until Christmas, I still find myself contemplating gift ideas. Taking into consideration, my personal dislike for shopping, I decided that I would do all of my shopping from home, sitting in my shorts and sipping hot eggnog and rum. Always wanted to go shopping in my shorts. I have visited several web sites and look at numerous items, but strictly by accident I found the perfect site to do all of my shopping in one place. Having a wife, four children, four children in-laws, twelve grandchildren, and two great grandchildren I found the perfect gift for each. Being one that cannot keep secrets and since there is some legal matters to take care of to make the transactions, I thought it best that I reveal my Christmas gift to each of you early this year.

We have all lived in Alaska for many years and what better gift to give than a piece of Alaska. I have the opportunity to purchase a piece of property for each person on my list and will pay all of the real estate taxes for life. The only thing I ask in return is that you hold onto the property,not selling it to anyone other than those in the family. Each of the lots will be adjoining consequently a sizable piece of property will be "family" controlled. The "property" is located in Talkeetna, Alaska and has river frontage.

Now that I have peaked your interest, this is not your gift! I have done some dumb things in my life, but this is not one of them. Besides, if you remember, a long time ago, a bunch of us bought property in Homer to build a fire station. We got deeds but I am not sure I know where the property is at. I come upon this scam by accident, it is all legal however, the developer has a parcel of one acre of land in Talkeetna. He has divided the property into one square inch lots. Most likely, this particular acre of property is worthless to develop so why not develop it into something that can never be built upon or sold. Before you do the math, an acre is comprised of 6,273,000 square inches. Verify by going to the link and seeing all the great pictures, the one square inch lots are being sold for $19.99 each. Again, before you do the math, when all of the lots are sold the gross income received from this one acre is $125,397,270. A nice profit margin on a piece of property that most likely has a market value of less than $8,000. However, you do get a nice Certificate of Title to your property, cost of .25 cents but knowing you own land in Alaska is priceless.

However, it did peak my curiosity, not wanting to take advantage of anyone I came up with a concept that gives a prospective property owner something in exchange. The "Hole In The Wall" property is about three acres from east to west and from "Private Road" to the top of the bluff. By subdividing this parcel of property, we could reduce it to one square inch lots and sell them for $11.99 each with the guarantee that the property owner can camp at the HITW two days per year from October 1st through March 30th (I know March has 31 days). Now, when you do the math, once the lots are sold we have a gross income of $188,033,175.00 or $7,834,715.62 for each adult and child. We would never have to worry about Christmas budgets again!

This entry was posted on December 1, 2007 at Saturday, December 01, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I think I heard that you can still get property in Talketna something like 40 grand for 60 acres.

I remember Heath getting a letter from Santa when he was little, with a deed to 1 in of the north pole. I wonder if mom still has that?

Money from the sale of the HITW would be nice...but the future memories I wouldn't trade.

12/2/07, 10:13 AM

Oh, I agree Heidi the HITW is not for sale, those who buy the 1 inch lots get ownership, however, it is a leased ownership, we continue to use it at will from March 31st to September 30th -the remainder ofthe year others can camp for two days on a reservation basis only! It would be like a time share!

12/2/07, 10:44 AM

I am all for that....we do not usually use the HITW in the months they would be allowed their two day usage...and with that income we could have one heck of a cook cabin that will not blow away in a hurricane.

12/2/07, 11:09 AM

Let's just say it would sell, shall we?
How many "shares" sold in a given amount of time could be a great variable. Marketing in the right place - Florida, NY, Louisiana, (not Texas), Australia, New Zealand - primarily targeting a higher income
bracket that could afford to purchase as much as a square foot at a time.
I, personally, think we could afford to sell shares of land down by the duck pond. Also, there could be "development fees", yearly grounds-keeping charges, etc. that could pay for our hot dogs and black powder.

12/2/07, 3:58 PM

try that in wamsutter, wy-even 1 sq inch wont sell there. Perhaps I may try selling Beaver by the inch.

12/4/07, 5:24 AM

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