

Posted by Stan Harrington

Wishing All Of You A Very Merry Christmas. Hoping That It Finds You Surrounded With Loved Ones. May The Season Bring You Fond Memories Of Those That You Have Shared This Blessed Holiday With In The Past.

On this Christmas Eve, the weather man tells me, so it must be so, that we can expect more snow. Just to make sure, I have checked my list and going to check it again, just to make sure that the roads are clear on Turnagain. According to the man, he has posted heavy snow warnings, heavy wind warnings and even flooding on the Kenai. I know this is so as my doppler radar does show. Santa, has Rudolph to guide him through the snow, I will just plug in "Suzy" and hit the road. No problem with the weather, I will just watch "Suzy" and know when it is time to go slow. On instruments I will drive, through the blowing snow, over the hill and through the the vale, my trusty Ford and "Suzy" will not fail.

This entry was posted on December 24, 2007 at Monday, December 24, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


just drive careful...we will be waiting will food, good cheer and lots of beer...no driving under the influence.We love you Stanta....and the missus too...I even made doggy treats for the four legged members of our family...

12/24/07, 11:49 AM

Stock up heavy on the treats, bringing eight legs, three waggling tails, and five eyes. Storm alert has increased from an advisory to warning - getting hit hard. By our return, may not be able to get back into the yard till spring - expect extended house guests for duraton.

12/24/07, 2:03 PM

We would be glad to put you up for how ever long....JUST DRIVE SAFE!!!

12/25/07, 12:05 AM

g'mornin', Prattler!
Are you on the road, yet?

12/25/07, 4:50 AM

Hey what are you doing up at 5am my brother in law? Bet we dont see Eric till at least ten...

12/25/07, 7:53 AM

I have an extra room with out windows...kind of den like hehe...but it private...Drive Careful And Merry Christmas.

12/25/07, 7:54 AM

someone had to rub the bird!
I used spf 3 for a slow tan

12/25/07, 8:10 AM

On the 23rd I was Salt Lake bound from Denver. I crossed Elk Mountain in Wyoming in near whiteout, ground blizzard. Drove by feel more than by sight. My GPS
told me I was on the road, it worked well but still is not radar.
Had a great Christmas in Layton. Hope all of you had an equally nice Christmas.

12/26/07, 7:45 AM

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