This time of the year has always been special to me, the Christmas season. I was fortunate to have a mother that instilled those traditions and made them a part of our Christmas season. She was not a religious lady, but Christmas was special to her because it was time for family gatherings and festivities that could not be afforded the remainder of the year.
The culture of my youth viewed Christmas in a similar fashion. The merchants in our small town did not display Christmas merchandise until after Thanksgiving, today the displays start appearing as early as September.
The streets were lined with Christmas decorations of electrical lights and decorated trees, not tinsel bearing or cloth designed ornaments hanging from the power poles.
On the lawn of each church, appeared a manger scene with nightly entertainment of carolers singing.
The city, county, and state buildings were not immune from hanging Christmas decorations and also displaying manger scenes.
In school, we would start practicing for the Christmas pageant right after Thanksgiving and on performance night, it was standing room only. All the teachers were present and even those families in the community that did not have children in school. I recall that one of my star roles was that of one of the Wisemen that visited the manger to witness the birth of Jesus, I assure you it was not because I was wise but I was tall for my age.
The Holy Family played a very important role in Christmas Past, even though you may not practiced a religion, you respected the season for what it was intended, the birth of Christ.
Santa Claus also played an important role, a parade would be held for him upon his arrival into town and later he would sit on a "special" chair for hours as children came by to sit on his lap and tell him their secret wishes. The Fox Theatre in town would host a "free movie" on the Saturday prior to Christmas. Following the movie, each child would go up on stage to be greeted by Santa and presented with a "brown lunch sack" full of candies, fruit, and popcorn balls, all donated by the merchants in the community.
Sixty years later, our culture and traditions have changed. Today, there are those that are more concerned that we do not offend anyone in the celebration of Christmas. I do not want to celebrate "Happy Holidays", I want to celebrate Christmas and if it offends you, please do not feel that you have to follow my example. I assure you, I will not attempt to infringe upon you when celebrate whatever you desire to celebrate.
I want to see Christmas trees on every corner, in every store, government building, and school. I do not want to hear them referred to as "Holiday Trees"
I want my grandchildren to be able to sing any Christmas carol that they desire in their school pageant without the word "Christmas" being removed from the lyrics. In attendance, I want to hear the traditional Christmas carols, even those that include the word Christ, Holy, God, Mary, or Manger. At the same time, I want their program to be referred to as "Christmas Pageant" not as a "Winter Pageant", we can all tell that it is winter time.
I support any business that provides a service for a fair profit margin, but I will not shop with you if advertise " Happy Holiday" or forbid your customer service employees from uttering the word Merry Christmas or restrict the style of decorations that you display. If you want the Christmas "buck" then get a backbone and recognize the spirit of Christmas.
If your community decorates a Christmas tree and then refers to it as a Holiday Tree, I would recommend that the voters remember that on election day and award the community leaders with a holiday.
Christmas is just not for "kids", it is for each of us that want to celebrate in our own way and establish traditions. I am not a kid, but I will be looking at the heavens on Christmas Eve, hoping to catch sight of that single bright star marking the manger, at the same time, hopefully hear the distinct sound of sleigh bells piercing the darkness as Santa makes his rounds, because "I BELIEVE"!
Wishing Each Of You A Very Merry Christmas.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago