It was just a matter of time until the "outside" news media picked up the story of Governor-Elect Susan Palin choosing to take her Oath of Office in Fairbanks rather than the traditional state capital of Juneau. The AP article that I scanned uncovered the plot to steal the capital and move it to a safe location within Alaska. The article indicated that Juneau is the "most inaccessible state capital in the United States". I wonder what consideration was given to Honolulu? Last time I checked my Goggle Earth, the state of Hawaii was comprised of several islands with the only access by sea or air, just like Juneau. I think we should be moved up the list and be the 49th most inaccessible capital.
The current state capital building is historical, funding for the construction of the building was approved in 1913, however, construction did not commence until 1929. The ownership of the building was transferred to Alaska upon our entry as the 49th state and since that time has been the center of our state government.
According to the news article, the folks down in the Seattle suburbs are concerned that this swearing in ceremony is plot to move the state capital. An editorial appearing in the Ketch-a-Can Daily news was headlined "Juneau beware; it's the first step". Of course, it does fuel the fire when it was revealed that while serving as Wasilla's mayor, she backed a failed voter initiative in 2002 that would move the legislative sessions to LA or the Silicone Valley. The Mat-Su Borough has already mapped out a location for a new legislative hall on 1,000 acres of undeveloped land.
Some of you may not recall, since you were not yet born or to young to vote, but I voted in the 1980's to move the capital out of Juneau to Willow, Alaska. The referendum was approved by the majority of Alaskans, but evidently the vote did not really count as the capital is still firmly planted where they originally built it 77 years ago. A legislator that represented the Homer area several years ago was ask the question, "Are you in favor of moving the state capital?" Her response was, "No, I am not because I think moving the building would be to cost prohibitive".
Is the swearing ceremony in Fairbanks a ploy to move the capital? I doubt it, but I would still fully support the movement of our capital to a more accessible location. I say this with some reservation, I would not like to see the capital in LA or the Silicone Valley, these two major population centers already receive the majority of the state revenues.
It would be a perfect time to inject a little economical growth into other areas of Alaska that could use a shot! My personal choice would be Ninilchik or Anchor Point. Homer would be a good choice, but they cannot control their own city government, what would happen if the state capital moved in and had to conform to the same building codes as Safeway or Fred Meyers? The City of Homer would plan it to death in ad hoc committees.
If you have driven through either Anchor Point or Ninilchik, you have to admit they could use a little economical development. Anchor Point is the logical choice as they already have a completed golf course which is essential for politicians. Neither location has a developed boat harbor or airport, consequently access is by the highway so every business between Anchorage and these communities would receive some economical benefit. Perhaps, the Alaska Railroad could even be expanded from Seward to Anchor Point. Those in favor please leave a comment and I will contact our state representatives. Anchor Point, the most Westerly Highway Point in North America now the most Westerly State Capital.
While we are moving things, I am also in favor of taking back the old Navy Base on Adak, closing down all of our state jails and prisons on the mainland, making Adak our Alcatraz! It would require only one guard on duty at a time, if they can escape from Adak, they deserve to be free. While we are at it, let's move all the courts and judges to Adak. If the judges were in a hurry to get back to LA, the trials will move a little faster. Guantamano, Cuba seems to be working well.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago