Today, marks the 1st Anniversary of this site, Hyperbole Prattle. During this past year, there have been a total of 265 prattle postings made and a total of 11,542 hits to the site. I would like to thank all of you for stopping by to visit on a regular basis, it has been fun.
I would especially like to thank my children for introducing me to the world of blog, we have had a great time . Perhaps communications in this form has provided a little insight into ourselves that we have never shown before. Perhaps it is has provided us a little "historical" knowledge of the past, if not an opportunity to reflect upon the past and relive some of those memories. Perhaps, it has provided a little humor when we needed it the most or just a break in the daily routine. As for me, I have written articles for newspapers, several magazine articles, and a daily script for a radio program, however, the most enjoyment that I have had in writing has been in maintaining this site.
I especially want to thank my very own, personal "tinker". To date, I have no concept of how to set up a site so I turned this project over to my daughter, Heidi, to "tinker" with. Between herself and the Plumma, they designed the site as it is today, no changes have been made from the original site. It has served me well, so I see no great need to change anything.
To all that have visited the site, I thank you for your quest for knowledge with a good dose of hyperbolism and prattling.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago