Spring Cleaning  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Each spring, we go through the ritual of cleaning our yards after the long winter, even though they were nice and neat prior to the first snowfall. I have often wondered where all the stuff comes from between the fall and spring months. Last year, we were entertained during the month of April as JD Plumma went into great detail describing his "clean up" campaign and the sink hole that had developed out back of his abode. I was so entertained that I wanted to "link" his humor to this posting, however, I am assuming that the "sink" hole also et up his archives, as I could not access them. In less than forty days, he will once again begin his efforts at beating back the "sink hole" one more time, although it may seem like an endless task, he should feel fortunate that his "sink hole" is not the magnitude of this one. This particular "sink hole" devoured several homes. Perhaps, some type of alert should be made warning the neighbors surrounding the Plumma home that the potential exists where they may not have a home if the spring "plumma sink hole" expands the existing boundaries. One has to wonder if a person's home owners insurance will cover the loss of the neighbors house if your "sink hole" devours it. It will be am interesting topic to watch over the next several weeks. Hopefully the "hot tub" and "jungle set" will not be lost.

This entry was posted on February 26, 2007 at Monday, February 26, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


The jungle/swing set is lashed to the neighbors' trees with 3/8" chain and 1 1/4" Samson line to be able to retrieve it.
This year I'm going to set a "China" line. Like a trout line, except for Chinamen. Maybe I'll pull in a couple of chore boys.

2/26/07, 8:37 PM

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