A common occurrence that is posted on a good number of blog sites. I maintain that there is always something to say. As well, I personally presume that it is just important to be as verbose as possible in any posting. When that moment arrives that "writer's block" sets in or you have the feeling that you lead a very boring life. Just glance around you will quickly discover your next topic of discussion.
For instance, there is always the weather. A lot of bloggers write about the weather. That is always a good lead in. I just reviewed the weather forecast for the Kenai Peninsula. It appears that we can look forward to almost spring like weather for a few more days. There is a long range forecast for snow on Saturday. However, we know that the prognosticators get this wrong more often than not.
Of course, there is always current events to write about. A five minute version of the evening news or the first two pagers of the local fish wrapper will give you plenty to write about. However, it is best t look behind the news story to discover the real story. For instance, tomorrow we will once again watch the Inauguration of a new President. Some prefer to call it a Coronation, however it is steeped with American tradition therefore, I will once again watch the Inauguration as I have with each of the past Presidents. You do not have to like the choice, but you have to appreciate the orderliness of the transfer of power that we enjoy in our democracy.
However, even in our politics, you can always find interesting facts that most citizens have not considered. For instance, did you know that since President Gerald Ford (1974 - 1977) that there has only been two right handed Presidents? The two right handed Presidents were Jimmy Carter (39th) and the current President George Bush (43rd). Presidents Ford (38th), President Reagan (40th), President George H.W. Bush (41st) and President Clinton (42nd) were all left handed. In the event you are wondering, President Elect Obama is also left handed. If the election results had been reversed, we would have still had a left handed President as Senator McCain is also left handed.
When all else fails, you can always find an interesting topic to write about in regards to sex! The gestation period of the human is 266 days. In comparison, the gestation period of the Gorilla is 257 days and the same period for the Orangutan is 260 days. Some would believe that we have only evolved six days beyond that of the Orangutan. Mother Asian Elephants have a tough time, their gestation period is 645 days compared to just 640 days for the African Elephant. In our own backyard, the next time you see that grouchy Cow Moose, her gestation period is 245 days. The Wolf Pack can multiply in a hurry, like every 64 days! The cat family takes just a little longer, the Lynx has a 69 day gestation period. The baby Beaver takes a little longer to develop, 107 days and you have a new damm builder. The Buffalo is very similar to the domestic cow, a cow Buffie has a gestation period of 270 days while the Black Bear takes just 210 days to produce a fish eater.
Did you ever just sit and watch an American Bald Eagle fly or soar on the air currents. The Bald Eagle will achieve speeds of 40 - 50 mph, however in a dive to catch a fish I am assuming the speed increases considerably. Have you ever seen a baby eagle? I have seen thousands of Bald Eagles, but never an infant. Dad and mom take turns of incubating the eggs which will number from 1 to 3 in the nest. This incubation period is approximately 35 days. In a time span, of 10 - 11 weeks the nestlings take flight and are relatively similar in size to their parents.
I have now completed one verbose posting, yet have provided you with useful information that you perhaps did not know. Now you know this worthwhile information so my time was not wasted nor was the time it took you to read my words, even though I did not have anything to write about. That is blogging!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago