Overly Stimulated  

Posted by Stan Harrington

(Ref: Webster) Stimulus ~ an action, influence, or agency, that produces a response in a living organism; anything that arouses to action or increased action.

Currently our new administration and Democrat controlled Congress is preparing to introduce a "new" stimulus package. Currently, this package is considered to be in the range of $825,000,000,000 ($825 Billion). However, most economists agree that by the time the final package is completed it will be in excess of one trillion dollars. Keep in mind, the political party in control wants to have this completed and approved within the next thirty days. This "stimulus package" is separate from the original package that was hurriedly passed and adopted within a few days during the campaign season. I have a problem of occurring this vast amount of debt on this short of a time schedule. Most of us have to consider and debate the pros and cons for a longer period than that when it comes to buying an appliance for our home. It is most interesting to consider where the funds from this $825 Billion dollars is going to be used to "stimulate" our economy. I have such a list of proposed "stimulus" expenditures in front of me.

Without being verbose, I will highlight just a few of the new proposals to put folks back to work and revitalize our economy.

$145 Billion in Tax Cuts for working individuals: You will receive $500 per person or $1,000 for a couple. Those making over $75,000 will not get this big bonus check. However, those not paying any taxes will also be eligible for this "tax cut" and receive a check!
$43 Billion for increased unemployment benefits. Though the stimulus package was designed to put people to work, not pay them not to work.
$39 Billion for expanded health care for the unemployed
$20 Billion to increase food stamps.
$41 Billion for school improvements
$15 Billion to increase Pell Grants by $500.00
79 billion to help states offset education costs.
$4 Billion for more preventative health care programs.
$1.5 Billion for improvement in community health centers.
$20 Billion to computerize health care records
$87 billion for states to help pay Medicare costs.
$3 Billion to expand congested airports.
$1.5 Billion for better land and sea ports

The list does not get any better, I can see a lot of expenditures be utilized for social programs which will have very little effect on stimulating the economy. Where are the jobs that this program should be providing? Instead we expend the funds to encourage individuals not to work. The philosophy
continues, "why should I work when I can make more money on welfare". The politicians talk about "volunteer service" and becoming involved within your community to make a difference. I have no problem with helping someone out when they need help, however my plan is simple. If you do not want to work and live off welfare, then you will work for your welfare check by doing community service projects at a fair wage scale. A days work for a days pay is a great philosophy to stimulate the economy.

Keep it in your thoughts that it was a campaign pledge by President Obama that he would "veto" any bill coming across his desk that has special "earmarks", commonly referred to as "pork". This "stimulus package" is littered with fat! For instance, $360 million dollars for planting grass in Washington D.C.. I assume in time this massive project would create jobs, someone has to cut all that grass.

This "stimulus package" is separate from the $700 billion stimulus package passed in October 2008 and of course is outside the perimeter of the Annual Budget that will be going before Congress within the next sixty days. A good number of projects, i.e. "smart power grid" being funded by this proposed stimulus package cannot be achieved within the next ten years.

I apologize to my grandchildren in advance, as the national debt service we are currently proposing will be your responsibility to retire.

This entry was posted on January 23, 2009 at Friday, January 23, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Our country owes future generations an apology for stimulating ourselves, for sure.(that didn't sound right)
Let's keep in mind that the President alone does not make these decisions, and his veto (if chosen to use) could be annulled - given more time and deliberation.
The "stimulus" door has been left open from previous decisions and there is no telling when the flow could stop.
President Obama is doing an outstanding job as a speaker and motivator. He and Congress need to get priorities straight, though.
How do we, as citizens, change this overwhelming amount of funding in direction when the majority of Americans say yes to anything this man says.
Remember how good a speaker Hitler was? Are we just sheep, or do we think for ourselves?

1/23/09, 4:33 PM

It is a great topic for "stimulating conversation", if it was not so serious. Within the past few days, I read a list of the top twenty jobs in the U.S. that paid over $50,000 a year, Everyone of them was a "institutional job" requiring a college degree of various types. There was not one vocational trade that made the list, despite the fact that employees in these fields surpass the $50 mark on a regular basis, but what the hey they are just those "working stiffs" that do not have an education! Just a week ago, I had a stimulating discussion over cocktails with a past State Senator about this same subject and the lack of vocational / trade training in the State of Alaska. It is time for the good folks of the U.S. to wake up and instead of extending their hands for a handout, use those same hands should pick up a shovel and go to work. A lot an be learned from the "Great Generation", folks that went through the Great Depression and fronted a major World War on two fronts and were victorious.

1/23/09, 8:35 PM

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