
Christmas Gift Ideas  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Do you have someone on your Christmas list that is hard to shop for? Perhaps, Santa's little helper can save you some time. First suggestion for this holiday season and in keeping up with the current events, this gift idea is perfect for that person on your list that feels that the "Bill and Hillary Show" should play the White House one more time.

This entry was posted on November 27, 2007 at Tuesday, November 27, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


That looks way to scary, but seeing some nuts cracked in the white house might be kind of fun!

11/27/07, 10:41 PM

And, necessary. Problem is - who will crack Hillary's when the time comes?

11/28/07, 5:50 AM

Who is gonna go looking for Hillarys when he time comes?

11/28/07, 12:16 PM

Bubba Bill needed his cracked. But I fear the only nuts cracked will be we, the taxpayer

11/29/07, 12:15 PM

HELLO???? Did you make it HOME?

12/1/07, 9:10 AM

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