With the real Alaskan winter that we have experienced this year, it appears that the second phase of winter is commencing, Cabin Fever. However, do not let this mislead you in thinking that Spring is next. We still have the third Phase of Winter to experience in February and the fourth phase in March, which translates to more snow! We will not see spring until the moon is in the Full Fish Moon phase which will be on April 2nd this year. The coastal Indian tribes called the full moon in April the Full Fish Moon since it coincided when fish started running up the rivers to spawn.
Several signs of Cabin Fever has been observed in recent days, the most pronounced is the number of blog writers that have once again returned on a regular basis. Checking around, I have noticed the "Simple Thoughts" is back on line with a new look in red and completing a "dragon" story that she started last year. I am looking forward to the third and final chapter. "Reality" has also surfaced in recent days, now we just need to see Homer pop up on occasion. He has not posted in six months but has had 4,316 hits to his site! With the Full Fish Moon phase coming on within the next 90 days, the Bear Den is even stirring. I don't know how they did it, but somehow they got the National Football League to name a football after their Clan, the Bears! But, they did not have enough faith in their own clan to even pick the team to win the play-offs and eventually the Super Bowl! I really think this should be brought up at the council fire and some type of levy be applied for their non-support of their Brother Bear! I supported the Philly Eagles!
"Cabin Fever" is normally brought on by lunar activity, however this year Cabin Fever set in a little early. There will be a total lunar eclipse this year, it will come during the Full Crow Moon. Indian legend marks this moon by the cawing of the crows signaling the end of winter. The Full Crow Moon will occur at 10:17 AST on March 3rd, however, by the time the moon rises on the west coast, the eclipse will be all but over by the time the moon rises.
Some weather observers believe that if the Ground Hog can see their shadow, it means that there will be six more weeks of winter. I really do not trust something this important to a pig that wears a fur coat. I have found it is best to watch the sign of the Buffalo, if a Calf Buffalo can see it's shadow, it is spring. If the calf cannot see anything but snow, expect a little more winter.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago