Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year, with the exception of loosing my brother, it was a great year. The year brought us many fond memories to cherish forever as we go into the New Year. In reflecting back over the past year, it was a tough decision but I have chosen these pictures as the "Best of the Year" "A Moment To Reflect"
"Potential Beauty Queen"
"I Did It My Way" "Daughter Like Mother"
"A Happy Bride"
"Contentment On the Water"
"I Love Camping"
"Favorite Picture Of the Year" "Brother and Sister"
"Best Picture Find Of The Year"
"Best Sign Of The Year"
(Posted In Front Of Soldotna Senior Citizen Center)
"Best Practical Joke Of The Year"
1. Grandma Buffalo getting arrested by LA Police for throwing rocks at neighbor lady.
2. "Bra Caper" in Colroado
3. Exploding Firewood at the Hole In the Wall Recreational Area.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago