
Anchor Point, Alaska  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Our trip was completed today at about 2:30 pm., I do have to admit that it was good to see the Old Anchor River Bridge once again, after crossing several hundred bridges on our trip. Arrived in Anchorage yesterday afternoon, shared some good hours with the family and I had a great slumber party with my two oldest granddaughters. Their giggling kept me awake for almost 5 minutes. Slushy snow as we left Anchorage, Turnagain Pass had a little snow but overall the road conditions into Anchor Point was good. As for a review of the trip, It Was Great! We had the opportunity top see some beautiful country, see family and friends that we have not seen in years, and enjoyed some great opportunities to see and do new things. One of my personal highlights was to see where my parents lived as a young couple and visit the resting sites of both sets of my grandparents, two of which I never had the opportunity to meet. Solving the mystery of my Grandfather Henry Philo "Ten" Harrington made the trip well worth the time and effort.

Total Miles Driven: 12,106.4 Miles
Visited 17 States
Visited 3 Canadian Provinces
Drove Less Than 600 Miles on Interstate Highways
(Remainder of Trip Was on Secondary Highways)
Gasoline Consumed: 778.151 Gallons (Litres Converted to Gallons Included)
Average Cost Per Gallon: $3.31 Per Gallon (Litres Converted To Gallons)
Cheapest Gasoline: Grand Island, Nebraska ($2.64 Gallon)
Highest Gasoline: Toad River, British Columbia ($5.05)
Gasoline Average Cost: $3.37 Gallon
Miles Per Gallon Of Gas on Trip: 15.57 MPG
Gas Cost Per Mile: .21 Cents Per Mile
Coffee Consumed: 1,213 Gallons
Donuts Consumed: 179 Glazed / Apple Fritters
Most Inspirational Site Visited:
Mt. Rushmore National Park
Favorite National Park:
Capital Reef National Park (Utah)
Favorite Part of Drive: (Tie)
Lassen Volcanic National Park / Trinity River Valley (California)
Black Hills of South Dakota
Favorite Historical Site:
Little Big Horn, Custer's Last Stand
Greatest Number of National Parks In One Area:
State of Utah
Most Surprising State:
Arkansas - Beautiful Scenery and Great Living Conditions
Least Favorite Drive:
Las Vegas to South Lake Tahoe
Best Place To Gamble
Colorado Belle, Laughlin, Nevada
Harrah's, South Lake Tahoe
Best Motel
MicroTel, Elma, Washington
Worst Motel
Coachman Inn, Bellingham, Washington
Average Motel Cost
Nicest Stranger Met
Linda Morris Fuehrer
Post Mistress, Benedict, Nebraska

This entry was posted on November 10, 2007 at Saturday, November 10, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I do have to apologize, "Susie" is very upset because I did not include her figures into my summary. She joined us a few hundred miles into our trip, but she logged us in at 11,956.8 miles total trip coverage, from the time she joined us we had a 38.4 mph average, this includes down time for sleeping, etc.. Actual driving time, she has us logged in at an average speed of 55 mph (I always obey the speed limits, (even when they are in metric form)I am sure it is in error, she has us logged in at reaching 90.1 mph as Maximum speed attained. Now she is happy, I will shut her off and reset for the next trip. She did was well and needs the rest.

11/10/07, 8:59 PM

Seems you have a thing with post mistress'...WHERE IS MY SUGAR!!!!

11/11/07, 12:29 AM

with Susie safely tucked into her bed...where is my mother???

11/11/07, 12:31 AM

I would love to see your data on this matter. You must know how to program excel, and enjoy doing it.

11/11/07, 8:56 AM

Stan are you sleeping with Susie?
What a breakdown, do a statistician
real proud. You need to back off the coffee a bit.

11/13/07, 4:50 PM

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