
Walking In A Winter Wonderland  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Since the majority of you do not follow the weather as closely as some, I have taken the opportunity to post the current three Doppler Radar images as of 9:03 pm this evening. As any prognosticator can tell you, it is going to rain so forget walking in the white wonderland of winter. It is ugly out there and before it gets better it will get uglier. However, I do not need to look forward a few days at the long range weather reports, my instincts tell me that we can expect continued rain showers for a few days, then the first of two clearing trends (called highs) will converge on the area and temperatures will plummet downward to give us our coating of ice. Two to three days of freezing, then it will warm up just enough for the next low moving through to dump a heavy load of snow on us. I would project this movement of weather patterns to occur from now until the snow starts falling on December 2nd, 3:47 pm local Anchor Point time - which by the way would be the same time in LA. I will also project that the Anchor River will reach flood stage no later than 2:14 pm on Wednesday, November 21st and breach the banks before the turkey is done on Thursday, Turkey Day. However, all this is o.k., we are well stocked up on Thanksgiving trimmings and three pans of fudge, Chocolate Fruit and Nut Supreme; White Chocolate with Walnuts; and Smoothie Peanut Butter Fudge laced lightly with crushed peanuts. Let it rain!

This entry was posted on November 20, 2007 at Tuesday, November 20, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Well if the culvert goes this year...I guess it is not your problem right? I want some of that Peanut butter...mmmmmmm

11/20/07, 10:20 PM

Flood Warning has been posted onthe Anchor River.

11/21/07, 10:07 AM

It would be a good show from your house - the river valley flooding - but, I doubt it's better than the "100 year" flood witnessed.

11/21/07, 3:06 PM

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