Elma, Washington
Made the trek north a few more miles today, don't know how many! I have not done my book work for the night, I guess now I know I am going to live, I can do it in the morning. Woke up this morning not feeling the best and during the course of the day it got worse. I finally had to pull over and let Terry drive (first time this trip) for about sixty miles while I took a nap. Had turkey breast for dinner last night, I think that was the cause because even now, it turns my stomach thinking about it. I want to thank Safeway for trying to poison me! It was bad enough I did not want any coffee until late this evening, you know I am sick when I do not drink at least two pots of coffee before the morning news!
Got into Elam and checked into a very nice motel, wish we would have heard of this chain earlier in the trip. They are called Microtel Inn and their attention to detail is awesome. Everything is quality, including the special dog run that they have developed in the outside recreational area. Right now, I am sitting in their lobby using their hard wired computers as mine kept dropping the signal. It is great, a non ending supply of coffee, juices and even popcorn.
How ill was I, we cancelled our get together with Al and Patti for the casino night, we will see them in the morning. Likely we will pull out of here tomorrow, although exploring a casino is awful tempting to spend another night.
From here, we will head to Port Townsend, grab a ferry to Whidbey Island to spend a night and visit with Roger and Mary Johansson, been a few years since we saw them. Following that, we need to get four studded tires on the truck and find a vet to check out Dutch one more time. I cannot believe that a health certificate is good for only 30 days when all the shots are good for three years! Maybe it because of 911 and they may consider him a terrorist and want to make sure he is not going to spread a disease. I understand that is happening in Alaska with a wolf that had rabies - now, who is against Wolf control by aerial hunters? You thought Dutch was spoiled before, hey this guy is smart and has developed even further into spoiledhood! Hey, John, like my new word!
Did cross the big bridge at the mouth of the Columbia River today from Astoria. Oregon to Washington state, 6.2 miles across the river. It was great, how wide is it across Turnagain Arm?
Considering it is now 0130 Pacific Time, I had best pack up and "get ready to pull out at first light, keep you gun handy, Blue Duck may come riding in at anytime." Spend the winter watching the movie so you will know what in the hell I am talking about!