The next call was to Les
Schwab Tires in
Bellingham, their shop was three blocks from the hotel, they had the tires in stock that I needed and they were studded. Also dispelled the rumor that the state of Washington was outlawing studded tires. Very efficient operation, tires off the truck, new tires mounted, balanced, and re-installed on the truck in less than an hour by a crew of three, which included two ladies. We were on the road again. Just a few miles to the border, someone needs to send Custom Officers (both Canadian and U.S.) to diplomacy and personality school. "Got any guns, long guns, shot guns, pistols, replica, antique or
modified guns, pepper spray, switchblade knives or brass knuckles? " No, to all of the above! "Are you sure, you know we can search and if we find them we can not only fine you heavily but also confiscate your vehicle?" Yea, so? No other questions ask! He look an awful lot like this guy!

Had a beautiful driving day, the Frasier River and Thompson River Canyon is a spectacular area. Both large rivers with an abundance of "white water rapids" and from some places along the highway, they are a long ways down below you.

Could not help but hit the emergency brake and cut hard to starboard to get this picture, Dutch and Terry was not impressed with my traffic maneuver but I got the shot! The entire concept was to get the picture and while I and Dutch distracted any onlookers, Terry was suppose to climb up the steeple and rescue the bell, it has not been used in years! I know a much better location for it that can bring hours of enjoyment to a lot of people.

The highlight of the trip today for me, was seeing a sign that read "Watch For Bighorn Sheep On Highway", around the corner from the sign was a herd (flock) of about thirty head. This time, it was "full emergency break and all ahead full to port". They were right along a side road, we could have spent hours with them because they were in no hurry to leave, especially two of the rams that had something else on their mind other than a man approaching. The herd had three big rams, one stayed back but the other two were mixed in with the ewes and at one time, had their heads together like they want to test each other out. I was able to walk very slowly up to the herd, the ewes kept their eyes on me the entire time but the rams ignored my presence. I was within 35 feet of them and could have got even closer, but guess who's camera battery died! I was so great being that close to them.

To appreciate the "sheep shots", you really need to click and enlarge the picture. they are a beautiful animal. The next to last, is a lousy picture, unfortunately it was blurry since I was blocking the highway and was in a hurry. But a great trivia question, a few of the lines to assist you: Jasper: "Hat Creek Ranch, Hat Creek is in Texas and we are 3,500 miles north of Hat Creek!" Pea: "But Jasper, that is who we are, we are from Hat Creek".

Be on the road at first light, unless we get sidetracked, we should be ready to once again make the trek up the
Alcan on Wednesday. Keep the light on, a bottle of chilled
Barcardi Select, two limes and six pack of coke.