Turkey Dinner
It is a big chore preparing a Thanksgiving Dinner, I have watched my wife do it for years! The planning usually starts about two weeks before the big dinner: who is coming to dinner, menu, seating, why is Stan making so much candy, why are all my roasting pans full of fudge, how do I make mince meat, should we have turkey and ham or just turkey or just ham, how many pies, and above all how many cans of black olives are going to be required and the day after the big dinner, how many egg noodles do I need to make, what do you mean we need a jello salad, we already have three other salads, I don't care how your mother did it, I am doing it this way - it is always so much fun to watch the stress factor as I sit back and sip a hot egg nog. Stuffin the old bird and popping him into the oven is no big deal, especially when you consider the planning to prepare this dinner: