
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Pulled out of Fort Nelson, B.C. this morning at first light and under light snow flurry weather conditions. Pulled into Whitehorse this evening at 7:15 and 584 miles north of Fort Nelson. Staying in the same motel that we stayed in on our trip south. Total road miles accumulated to date, 11,195.3 miles. After leaving Ft Nelson, about fifty miles up the highway, it had snowed during the night and we drove most of he day on snow packed roads. Seventy miles south of Whitehorse, we finally hit dry pavement again and picked up some lost time.

What a great day it was, despite the snowy roads. If you ever want to go go big game watching, the stretch of highway from Fort Nelson to Watson Lake is the area they you want to visit. This is the same area we saw all the game on our way south. Like General MacArthur once said, "I shall return" but next time I will spend several days in the area. It is better than Yellowstone National Park,these animals are wild! Hopefully, my pictures will do them justice. First, we saw so many caribou today,the migration to the lowlands is on. This particular herd had two big bulls. The largest bull was a little leery of something crouching on the ground and stayed back a safe distance, but the smallest of the two bulls gave me some good shots.

This was taken at Toad River, the entire herd was bedded down in the horse pasture, it was then I wished I had a better telephoto lens. It was quite a distance, but I could make out some antlers so there had to be some large bulls.


We saw so many buffalo again today, this years calves, yearlings, heifers, cows, small bulls and some big bulls. Buffalo everywhere!


We finally saw our first moose on the trip, same area as all the other game. This young bull was skittish, but got a decent shot of him. Quite dark haired compared to the Alaskan Moose.


We saw several bands,herds, flocks, or whatever you want to call them, but this particular group caught my eye because of one big ram, there was perhaps fifteen in this band, mostly ewes with several lambs. I was concentrating on getting a shot of the big Ram, which I did and in my haste to scout out the herd, I had missed seeing the largest ram since he stayed by himself, feeding in a little thicket.

If he saw me, he did not react to my presence and continued to feed while moving up a gully. Despite only having a vest on and in mt tenny runners, a few inches of snow was not going to stop this stalk.

He went behind the ridge one way and I went the opposite, when he came around the corner of the ridge, I was waiting for him, he did not seem to concerned that I had sneaked up on him, he stopped, looked me over and walked away, these shots were taken without a telephoto lens and within 25 feet of each other.

Getting these shots was so exciting, the way he looked at me, those big yellow eyes and he never bolted, just wandered off to gather up his band and then went up the mountain. Terry also captured this on video, the two of us playing tag so I am anxious to see if she caught the entire episode.

Tomorrow, we will have a leisurely drive into Tok Junction for the evening. If all goes as planned with no major hitches, we should pull into Anchorage on Friday afternoon. I believe it is someones birthday, now you know why Grandma has been pushing me to make more miles each day, I think she has become just a touch of homesick!

This entry was posted on November 7, 2007 at Wednesday, November 07, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Nice pictures...stalker. Looking forward to seeing you all...keep driving safe we have wind and rain here in LA. loves

11/7/07, 11:14 PM

Good to hear your studs were put to a surface without indecent wear.
Nice pics, too. It has seemed you have been hurried on the North-bound trip. Is your house on fire? Devyn has a party planned, Friday, with a sleep-over and roller skating party, as well. She's been a busy entertainer this week. Most of her friends have been over - a few at a time - to paint t-shirts remembering their friend that passed away last weekend. She's getting to be such a social cuss. She'd be ecstatic to see you if you should pull in friday.
Travel safe - there may have been a bit of snow in Palmer, and North of there.

Did I miss you, Stan? Are you on MSN messenger?

11/8/07, 6:04 AM

Going to ready for work. You're probably sleeping in if you had a decent thought in the noggin. I would be, too.

11/8/07, 6:10 AM

Maybe he is building a snowman?

11/8/07, 6:53 AM

Great shots!!! I am green with jealousy.
Home by Friday HUH? well maybe you me and mom can go get dinner while John chaperone's Rose's party! Just teasing JOHN!
Is mom's Video camera Digital? Cause it would be cool to teach her how to edit video on the computer. She loves her video camera, I would love to see a video of your trip.

11/8/07, 6:58 AM

Have a safe one, this is first blog opp since you asked me for specific routing info. I at least called it in, obviously too late to blog it. By the way, you have more miles now than most dispatchers.

11/8/07, 4:39 PM

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