
Fort Nelson, B.C.  

Posted by Stan Harrington

Moved out of Williams Lake at first light this morning and have been behind the wheel most of the day, at least 11.5 hours for a total of 641.7 miles for the day which boosted our trip total to 10,610.9 miles. The good news, where we sit tonight, we are 1,503.4 miles from the intersection of the Old Sterling and New Sterling Highway in Anchor Point. Keeping that in mind, Suzie has projected that we can reach that destination in 27 Hours and 1 minute. I think not!

We are now on our repeat trip, been on this route just a few weeks ago, however, we got onto the Alcan Highway without having to go through Mile "O" at Dawson Creek. Took a neat little short cut from the Hart Highway that meets up with the Alcan Highway just north of Ft. Saint John. I was warned to take a look at this route before I took it, however, it was as good as the Hart Highway, if you are not driving an 18 wheeler. The highway follows the Peace River, beautiful river and scenery. Would like to drive it in the fall when the leaves are turning, a lot of Aspen and Cottonwood trees in the area.

Started the drive this morning with a light rain and by the time we gained a little altitude it had snowed during the night. By the time we reached it, the snow was off the road with just slush alongside. About 100 miles south of Fort Nelson, ran into clear weather and dry roads. No sign of snow in this area. Moving toward Whitehorse tomorrow, they are calling for sun for the next three days. Why did I buy studded tires? But I know, I will get to appreciate them before I reach home, it is just a matter of time. Tomorrow should be a good day for sheep, buffalo, and possibly caribou. Going to have my Kodak ready!

After seeing all the game that we have seen this trip,I have decided to take up hunting again! Except with a camera! So all of you semi-professional shutterbugs, help me pick out a good camera with good telephoto capabilities. However, my concept is to get up as close to my shots without having to use a telephoto lens. I want to concentrate on animals and old buildings. A new hobby!

Moving out again at first light, see all of you in a few days unless we decide to take the Fairbanks route and possibly the Haul Road.

This entry was posted on November 6, 2007 at Tuesday, November 06, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


If you take the Fairbanks rout...don't forget to stop and see Santa!! Drive Careful no major snow in the forcast...in fact...it is almost shorts weather.

11/6/07, 9:19 PM

Good morning Plumma, I have had my first coffee, you are running late this morning. Be on the road shortly, first light!

11/7/07, 6:04 AM

Saw a great sign yesterday, pugt up by the Mounties. In huge letters it said "Those in favor of not getting speeding tickets, riase your right foot".

11/7/07, 6:18 AM

You mean - 1st lite (8 AM)?
I decided to sleep in 'til 6 this morning. Sorry I missed you. That was a lot of miles for one day - not being in a rush. I thought, maybe, you would do some gold panning with Jasper and the Cariboo....what a rush. Found a lot of names involved with Hat Creek, but none that start with "Jasper". I give - was it a movie that I missed?

With the "snow load" we've experienced in AK, you will, probably, need new studs by the time you get here. If studs were made of carbon steel, they would survive the trip and then some.
Safe travels, please, and shoot some animals - it's easier to shoot if you slow below 91 mph....just a tip.

11/7/07, 6:28 AM

So - you're still here?

11/7/07, 6:30 AM

You boys meet like this every morning? be careful. your wives might wonder who your meeting on line at 6 am....hehe

11/7/07, 7:05 AM

I would love to go hunting with you! I have been thinking about church steeples lately...I think I might start a photo project.

So you should be home shortly...why?

11/7/07, 7:21 AM

Hey heidi we missed them for coffee...guess the early bird gets the worm...

11/7/07, 7:26 AM

Stan I have to agree with you about taking up shooting old buildings. With us moving soon we will be living in an area with old buildings aplenty and it has already sparked my imagination. Growing up here in Alaska those are one of the things you miss. One house we looked at was built in the EARLY nineteen hundreds and when I asked the real estate agent if this is why the house was so cheap (A five bedroom with den and dining room for 50,000) she remarked that most of the houses were that old! It was just out of the city! The kids are excited because they think they will find a house that is haunted!
I also am considering a collection of tombstones pictures. I remember the cemeteries being quite beautiful and bountiful down there!
I am really excited about the difference in subject!

11/7/07, 6:24 PM

This is a very nice motel, but it has me a little concerned! I just went out for an evening smoke since I am restricted to non smoking room. Had to pass through three locked access doors to get back to my room, even the front door is key card locked! So much for the neighborhood! Plumma, as far as I know you are the only one that tried to solve the trivia question about Jasper, Pea and Hat Creek Ranch. Your only reference could have been Heath. In the movie "Lonesome Dove" after driving their cattle from Texas to Montana, they called their ranch the Hat Creek Ranch named after a river in Texas. Although, the author (Larry McMultry) or something like that got it slightly wrong since the Hat Creek Ranch that I saw was about a 600 miles north of Montana. As for the previous trivia question that showed a house and drive inn movie, Shana almost got it right, it was our old house in Oak Harbor on Trush, hovever the carport had been converted into a garage and the exterior had been refinished. The other picture that she thought was a candy shop, was the projectionist booth and snack shed at the drive in movie in Oak Harbor, they saw Star Wars I at the "Cow Pasture Drive Inn" while I was on my last trip to the far east

11/7/07, 10:47 PM

Yeah, this is the leg I was supposed to advise you on. Did you see many deer along this road?
Theyve been known to thick as ticks. First time I drove that, I could have kissed the lot lizard in Charlie Lake. There were not any to kiss, but I was glad not to have hit bambi.

11/8/07, 4:43 PM

We did see alot of deer, but none along he road they were allholding up inthe hay fields This is part of the higway I want to drive again. Great scenery, good road, little gtraffic - could spend a couple of days.

11/8/07, 8:29 PM

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