
Leave My Friend Alone  

Posted by Stan Harrington

I really do not care if you are Male, Female, a White Saxton Protestant, Catholic, Black, American Indian, Messican, Jewish Faith, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or any other religion or race, this is my friend. He has been my friend for the past 62 Years, 6 Months and 1 Day, I will be the first in line to defend him, his reputation and the good will that he spreads each year when the world really needs a dose of good will.

For just an instant, stop and think of the millions of people from infants to seniors that he has made happy through the years. Consider the "good will" that he has spread between those who cannot tolerate anyone in their family or workplace, except at Christmas. Bringing happiness and hope to millions of people, but he asks nothing in return, not even the Nobel Peace Prize! Why hasn't he been considered for this coveted award? He has done so much more for mankind than Al Gore!

As I pointed out last year, I still believe in this man! I have seen the good that he does and have seen the eyes of the children light up when they catch sight of him. For those in the United States that are mounting the drive to force businesses into insuring that those Santa's that visit their store are slim, fit, and skinny in order to "set the example" as being healthy. They do not want to see any Santa's with a big tummy! To those that are concerned about a overweight little man driving a sled pulled by reindeer, get a life and visit your local McDonald's and "super size" your Happy Meal.

To those that reside "Down Under" that are suffering from "Imus In The Morning Syndrome" and want to prohibit Santa from saying "HO - HO - HO" so as to not offend any woman of the black race! I am sure these same ladies, being Black also enjoy the good will of Santa Claus and find no offense at his belly laugh. Although, I do not know the origin of the word "Ho" but I am sure Santa was using this term long before it become degrading to the black woman.

To all who want to down play the presence of Santa in our lives and the meaning of Christmas, including our school system, I hope all you get for Christmas is a big "fat" piece of black coal in your stocking and all you hear is the tinkling of little bells in the dark of night and a hearty, HO-HO-HO-HO-HO as he drives out of sight.

HO - HO - HO

This entry was posted on November 18, 2007 at Sunday, November 18, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Those that disbelieve have not faith in mankind to have enough good in themselves to allow a kind-hearted old chap (even if magic) to be jolly in his own right and carry good tidings for all people.

11/19/07, 6:23 AM

Ditto Dad!

11/19/07, 7:19 AM

here here!!! Well said! Oh I could go on forever on this!!!!!!

11/19/07, 6:21 PM

I concur your all mighty grand poo pa

11/19/07, 8:16 PM

oh by the way I posted on my site

11/19/07, 8:17 PM

"I believe in Santa Clause"...I do I do..."I saw mama kissing him under the mistletoe"...he may have "ran over Grandma with his Reindeer"...but I know he is not "stuck up in my chimney" (I had Donny check) so go have an "O holy night" and don't forget "all I want for Christmas"....

11/20/07, 12:35 PM

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